4 COUNTRY WOMAN COUNTRYWOMANMAGAZINE.COMHome & Garden16 Country KitchenAn Ohio couple flexed theirDIY muscles to transforman outdated kitchen into anairy oasis.``````20 Green ThumbPut down the hose and lookto the sky for the simplestway to keep your lawn lush.``````22 CW ProfileHereâs why a library cardmay become your newfavorite garden tool.``````26 Antiques ExpertItâs time to shine for theseclassic midcentury kitchenappliances and gadgets.
Whatâs Cookinâ?34 Seasonal FlavorsPlease everybody at thetable with deviled eggsdone a dozen ways.``````36 Celebrate MomSweet or savory, biscuitsmake Momâs day special.``````40 Quick RecipesChange up tonightâsleftovers a bit, and theyârejust as tempting tomorrow.``````44 Fun With FoodTravel-ready shortcakesmake springtime picnicssweeter than ever.
Get Crafty28 Refresh & RenewOutdated furniture gets newlife with a little ingenuity anda fresh coat of paint.``````66 Simply FunWrap Easter eggs in colorfulwashi paper for prettypatterns and easy cleanup.
Reader Favorites8 Keep Us Posted11 AlmanacGet the 411 on CSAs andhoppy little pancakes.``````47 Country at HeartTake a peek at open-airmurals, goats for rent, anun-run farm and more.
62 The Puzzle Page47Countryat Art``````COUNTRY WOMANage Paid at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and additional mailing offices. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40065693, Canadian GST No. 8654 (ISSN 0892-8525) (USPS 852-900), Vol. 45, No. 3, April/May 2015 © RDA Enthusiast Brands, LLC, 2015. Published bimonthly by RDA 44285RT. POSTMASTER:Enthusiast Brands, LLC, 1610 N. 2nd. St., Suite 102, Milwaukee WI 53212-3906. Periodicals Post- Send address changes to COUNTRY WOMAN, PO BOX 5294, HARLAN IA 51593-0794. Sendundeliverable Canadian addresses to CARE, PO BOX 5294, HARLAN IA 51593-0794; or call 888-861-1264. For address changes, include both old and new addresses. If the post office alerts us that your magazine is undeliverable, we [email protected]. Questions about your subscription? Email [email protected]; visit countrywomanmagazine.com/customercaree no further obligations unless we receive a corrected ; write to COUNTRY WOMAN CUSTOMERaddress within one year. prepaid.) Send new subscriptions to PO BOX 5294, HARLAN IA 51593-0794. Allow four to six weeks. Material in this publication maSubscription prices: In U.S.: $19.98 for one year, $29.98 for two years, $39.98 for three years. (Canada: one year, $23.98 CDN plus 5% GST or 13% Hy not be reproduced in any form without permission. ST, where applicable; international subscriptions: Country Woman is a registered trademark of RDA Enthusiast Brands, $25.98 per year, U.S. fundsLLC. ENTHUSIAST BRANDS CUSTOMER CARE MAILING LIST, PO BOX 5294, HARLAN IA 51593-0794.Consumer Information: RDA Enthusiast Brands may share information about you with reputable companies in order for them to offer products and services of interest to you. If you would rather we not share information, please write to RDA
44Fun WithFood``````28GetCrafty``````COUNTRY WOMAN TO GORead your Country Woman anywhere, get smart bonus content and sharerecipes, stat. Go digital at countrywomanmagazine.com/digital.``````BRIGHT IDEA!Knot short lengths of jute or rope to make simple door pulls for your craft cabinets.``````GET CRAFTY BRIGHT IDEA!Make this Orb Light Pendant (see page 30).