6 COUNTRY WOMAN COUNTRYWOMANMAGAZINE.COM``````Nowâs the time for big welcomehugs to a fresh new season. Afterreceiving so many great ideas andsuggestions from our Country Womancommunity, weâre freshening up thepages of the magazine. Youâll see a fewof them in this issue, and maybe a fewmore in the next one.``````You asked for more recipes andfood features. Check. You wanted us tomake the print easier to read. Check.``````Best of all, dear readers, you arekey to making this Country Woman communityso amazing. Thatâs why weâre making youâand reader-to-reader interactionâthe focal point of this page. Many ofyou have already stepped up to share guidance from yourwonderful mothers; check out the shared wisdom from yourfellow readers in Friendly Advice, top right.``````By the way, May 10 is Motherâs Day. We bet youknow some moms whoâd love asubscription to Country Woman. Aone-year subscription is only $10.Visit countrywomanmagazine.com/giftformom. Share the love.``````Weâre all a part of thatcommunity, too. So give us a shoutwhen you have something to say.Keep sending us those adorable (andsometimes funny) pictures of kids, yourmost embarrassing moments, and yourcraft ideas. Tell us what you think. Andtake a peek at the Upcoming Question,right. Who knows? Your answer mightappear in the pages of Country Woman! Q
SUNNY DAYSAHEAD!THANKS, MOM!What silly, sweet orjust plain practical``````advice did yourmom give you?``````âMake a great dessert and no onewill notice you burned the biscuits.âTINA ROBETOR HOWE LENNOX, SD``````âAlways smile. Itâs the greatest freegift you have to give.âJEANETTE NOEL VIA FACEBOOK```````Itâs not the quantity offriends that matter, itâsthe quality. She told methis when I was startinghigh school, and I thinkitâs the perfect thing fora teenager to hear.aCRISTAL THURSTON BLAYLOCKLA GRANDE, OR``````âMake friends with your butcher.âCAROLYN DOROW WHITEHOUSTON, TX``````âAlways wear clean underwearâyou never know when youâll bein an accident.âRITA JO VIA FACEBOOK``````UPCOMING QUESTIONWhat are your simplestspring cleaning solutions?We want in on your bestorganizing tricks, time-saving tips and easy-to-makecleaning recipes.``````Mom will loveWhole WheatStrawberry
Shortcakes, (^)page 38Join the conversation today at facebook.com/countrywomanmag.Send your answer to [email protected] âFriendly Adviceâ in the subjectline. Your response could appear onthis page in a future issue.JEANNE [email protected] AdviceCOME ON IN