Country Woman

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ADVERTISEMENT(SPECIAL) - Hydrogen peroxideis trusted by every hospital andemergency room in the country forits remarkable ability to kill deadlygerms like E. coli and the swineflu virus. In fact, it has attractedso much interest from doctors thatover 6000 articles about it haveappeared in scientific publicationsaround the world.Research has discovered thathydrogen peroxide enables yourimmune system to function prop-erly and fight infection and disease.Doctors have found it can shrinktumors and treat allergies, Alzheim-er’s, asthma, clogged arteries,diabetes, digestive problems, mi-graine headaches, and arthritispain.Smart consumers nationwide arealso discovering there are hundredsof health cures and home remedyuses for hydrogen peroxide. A newbook called The Magic of HydrogenPeroxide is now available that tellsyou exactly how to use hydrogenperoxide by itself... and mixed withsimple everyday kitchen make liniments, rubs, lotions,soaks and tonics that treat a widevariety of ailments.It contains tested and provenhealth cures that do everything fromrelieving chronic pain to making agespots go away. You’ll be amazed tosee how a little hydrogen peroxidemixed with a pinch of this or thatfrom your cupboard can:s�2ELIEVE�THE�PAIN�OF�ARTHRITIS�RHEUMATISM�AND�FIBROMYALGIAs�4REAT�ATHLETES�FOOTs�#LEAR�UP�ALLERGIES�AND�SINUS�problemss�3OOTHE�SORE�THROATS�s�&IGHT�COLDS�AND�FLUs�(ELP�HEAL�BOILS�AND�SKIN�IN-FECTIONS�s�7HITEN�TEETH�WITHOUT�SPENDING�A�FORTUNE�s�$ESTROY�HARMFUL�DENTAL�BACTERIA�and heal gingivitiss�(ELP�HEAL�COLD�SORES�AND�CANKER�soress�#LEAR�UP�FOOT�AND�NAIL�FUNGUSs�2ELIEVE�THE�STING�AND�PAIN�OF�insect bitess�3OOTHE�SORE�FEET�s�2ELIEVE�EAR�ACHES�s�3OOTHE�MUSCLE�ACHESs�%NABLE�MINOR�WOUNDS�CUTS�AND�SCRAPES�TO�HEAL�FASTERs�2EFRESH�AND�TONE�YOUR�SKINAn Ounce of Hydrogen Peroxideis Worth a Pound of Cures�#LEAR�UP�ACNE�RASHES�AND�AGE�spotss�(ELP�HEAL�YEAST�INFECTIONSs�!ND�MUCH�MOREBesides killing E. coli and theswine flu virus, hydrogen peroxidealso destroys botulism, salmonellaand other harmful organisms. Itworks by making viruses and bac-teria self-destruct on the cellularlevel. Amazingly, for somethingso powerful, hydrogen peroxide issafe. That’s because after it makesgerms self-destruct, hydrogen per-oxide breaks down into harmlesswater.The Magic of Hydrogen Peroxidebook is a valuable health improve-ment treasure that also shows youhow to make tons of householdcleaners that work better and moreeconomically than expensive store-bought products. It’s a safe power-ful alternative to harsh chemicalcleaners. Discover easy-to-makeformulas that:s�+ILL�GERMS�ON�KITCHEN�COUN-TERS�AND�SURFACESs�3TERILIZE�DISHES�CUPS�AND�KITCHEN�utensilss�-AKE�A�POWERFUL�SCOURING�POWDER�THAT�WORKS�WONDERS�ON�KITCHEN�SINKS�REFRIGERATORS�and ovenss�$ISINFECT�AND�DEODORIZE�COFFEE�MAKERS�TEA�POTS�BLENDERS�AND�FOOD�PROCESSORS�s�3ANITIZE�WOOD�CUTTING�BOARDS�AND�WOODEN�SPOONS�s�#LEAN�OUT�AND�DISINFECT�CLOGGED�drainss�-AKE�HARDWOOD�FLOORS�TILE�FLOORS�GROUT�AND�LINOLEUM�gleams�'ET�RID�OF�HARMFUL�BACTERIA�ON�FRUITS�VEGETABLES�AND�MEATS�WITH�THIS�SAFE�AND�EFFECTIVE�FOOD�RINSE�s�%LIMINATE�NASTINESS�FROM�TOILET�BOWLS�BATH�TUBS�SHOWERS�AND�SHOWER�CURTAINS�s�3TERILIZE�AND�PURIFY�TOOTH-brushes and denturess�#LEAN�AND�DISINFECT�PET�STAINSs�2EMOVE�MOLD�AND�MILDEW�FROM�BASEMENT�WALLS�ROOFS�AND�OTHER�SURFACESs�$ISINFECT�DIAPERS�PACIFIERS�AND�BABY�TOYSs�2EMOVE�WINE�INK�AND�BLOOD�STAINS�FROM�CLOTHING�CARPETS�AND�FURNITUREs�"OOST�LAUNDRY�DETERGENT�POWER�``````and restore brightness andCOLOR�TO�FABRICS�s�3TREAKFREECLEAN�YOUR�WINDOWS�and mirrorss�#LEAN�AND�DEODORIZE�YOUR�CARs�%LIMINATE�SKUNK�STENCH�ON�PETS�AND�FOUL�ODORS�FROM�LITTER�boxes, old tennis shoes, etc.s�2ID�PETS�OF�PARASITES�AND�BAC-terias�-AKE�INDOOR�AND�OUTDOOR�PLANTS�FLOURISH�WITH�A�SUREFIRE�FERTILIZER�AND�INSECTICIDE�ALL�rolled-into-ones�+EEP�HANDS�GERMFREE�WITHOUT�expensive hand sanitizerss�!ND�MUCH�MOREThe Magic of Hydrogen Peroxidecontains many more amazing healthremedies, cleaning formulas andgardening mixtures. In addition, italso gives you a list of qualifiedphysicians who use hydrogenperoxide in their practices to treatserious ailments. Also included FREEwith each book are useful tips andhome remedy formulas using vinegar,garlic baking soda and teas.To get your copy of The Magicof Hydrogen Peroxide direct fromthe publisher at the special intro-ductory price of $19.95 plus $3.98shipping and handling (total of$23.93, OH residents please add6.5% sales tax) simply do this:Write “Hydrogen Peroxide” ona piece of paper and mail it alongwith your check or money orderpayable to: James Direct, Inc.,Dept HP548, 500 S. Prospect Ave.,Box 980, Hartville, Ohio 44632.You can charge to your Visa,MasterCard, Discover or AmericanExpress by mail. Be sure to includeyour card number, expiration dateand signature.Want to save even more? Do afavor for a relative or friend and ordertwo books for only $30 postpaid.Remember, you’re protected byour 90-day money back guarantee.If you’re not happy, for any reason,we’ll refund your money. Simpleas that.&2%%�')&4 You will also re-ceive a copy of the handy booklet“How To Grow, Dry, Use & PrepareHerbs” as our gift to you. Even ifyou return the book, it is yours tokeep with no obligation.Hurry! Supplies are limited soyou must act now.``````©2015 JDI HP134S``````Hydrogen Peroxide:the First Responder ofthe Immune SystemNew research conducted atHarvard Medical Schooland University of Wisconsin –Madison has offered excitingclues as to how our bodies fightoff infection and disease. It’sbeen common knowledge inmedical circles that our bodiesproduce hydrogen peroxide, butnew studies of human and animalcells are shedding new light onthe critical role hydrogen peroxideplays in immunity, wound healingand even tumor biology. Thisnew data shows that hydrogenperoxide is the catalyst to thebody’s effective fight againstdisease and infection.This is one more brick inthe wall of evidence supportinghydrogen peroxide’s safety andpower. Readers are urged topick up The Magic of HydrogenPeroxide without delay to beginharnessing the power and savingmoney without delay.To get this valuable bookdirect from the publisher a spe-cial introductory price of $19.95has been arranged plus $3.98shipping and handling (totalof $23.93, OH residents pleaseadd 6.5% sales tax) and write“Hydrogen Peroxide” and mailit with a check or money orderpayable to: James Direct, Inc.,Dept HP548, 500 S. ProspectAve., Box 980, Hartville, Ohio44632.Want to save even more? Doa favor for a relative or friendand order 2 books for only $30postpaid.``````NEWS &RESEARCH``````Hydrogen PeroxideKnocks Out theToughest Cases ofAthlete’s FootWhen I read, treat athlete’sfoot, I had to try it. I havebeen fighting with this for fourmonths. I tried every kind ofsalve from the drug store with noluck. But when I put hydrogenperoxide on my feet it has startedto go away. So now I need twobooks on hydrogen peroxide. Onefor my best friend. They are likehaving a doctor in your home.- M. R.Sun Prairie, WILETTERS*Testimonials are atypical, your resultsmay be more or less.

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