66 COUNTRY WOMAN COUNTRYWOMANMAGAZINE.COMThatâs a Wrap!Skip the messy dyes and decorate eggs with colorfulwashi paper to create a cheerful Easter centerpiece.
DIRECTIONS1.Start with an empty egg shell.See story, right, for directions.
2.Cut washi paper ¹�â in. biggerthan the circumference andheight of the egg.
3.Fold paper in half lengthwise,then again crosswise.
4.Cut ¹�â in. strips along thelong side of the paper,stopping ¹�â in. before thecenter fold.
5.Trim the ends of each ¹�â-in.strip to a point. Unfoldpaper and place wrong side upon a piece of parchment paper.
6.Use a brush to spreadon a thin layer of glue.
7.Lay egg against a short sideand wrap the paper aroundthe egg. Press each strip towardthe tip of the egg, one piece at atime. Each strip should slightlyoverlap the previous one. Workyour way slowly around the egg,smoothing out the paper stripswith your fingers. Brush glueover the top of each strip ofpaper as you go. Repeat onbottom half of the egg.
8.Apply a layer of glue overthe entire egg and set onparchment paper to dry.NOTE: Washi, or origami paper,can be found at most craft storesand online.``````WHAT YOUâLL NEEDBlown eggs (see story, right, for directions)Washi or origami paper in various colorsMeasuring tapeRulerCutting matDecoupage glueCraft knifePaintbrush