Digital Photographer - UK (2020-06)

(Antfer) #1
Just as crop factor affects the composition
in sport and wildlife photography, it also
plays a major role in macro imaging. When
shooting with a camera with an APS-C
sized sensor (image 1) there is a higher
magnification than a full-frame model
(image 2) when using the same lens. This
not only impacts the subject size in the
frame, but also the relationship between
the subject and background. A full-frame
sensor will feature more background
at 1:1 magnification, revealing as much
subject detail, but with greater context.
This becomes even more noticeable when
shootingwith a medium-format camera.

Sensor size

What’s the link between sensor
dimensions and magnification?



Abstract framing
By filling the frame
with a small portion of
a subject, colour and
detail can become
the focus of the
composition, making
for a more abstract
final image

x2 © Peter Fenech

© Gettyimages


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