MacLife - USA (2020-09)

(Antfer) #1


Only kidding! Apple’s various
platforms each have their own
distinctive personality — but the
proliferation of features like
multi–paned apps and menus
undeniably lends iPadOS some
of the feel of a desktop
operating system.
In iPadOS 14, sidebars become
a major element of apps like
Photos, Files, Notes, Calendar
and even Apple Music, using the
screen space lacking on iPhones
to provide you with permanently
visible navigation.
It’s a departure from
the tendency of iOS to hide
functions behind gestures. But
there are still almost no UI
cues for iPadOS’ split–screen
multitasking options, which
remain powerful but invisible
until you know the trick.


Previously, to search in iPadOS you dragged down on the
Home screen and the display was taken over by a search bar
and Siri Suggestions, as in iOS.
Now Search appears in a movable box, and can be accessed
from within apps without switching away. It’s more like
a Spotlight search on the Mac (and, as before, can be invoked
with the same Cmd+Spacebar shortcut if you use a keyboard),
but has a simpler look for results — which appear as you
type — than the new macOS search box. Results found
within individual apps are listed separately at the bottom.
Separately, searching has also been improved in the Music
app and the App Store and, of course, all searches can use
Scribble (see opposite page).

Image rights: Apple.


28 SEP 2020

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