Extended Data Fig. 2 | Overview of cellular immune changes in COVID-19
patients. a, b, Immune cell subsets of interest, plotted as a concentration of
millions of cells per millilitre of blood (a) or as a percentage of a parent
population (b). c, Phenotyping to TCR-activated T cells, cytokine-secreting
T cells, and HLA-DR expression within monocytes and neutrophils. Each dot
represents a separate time point per subject (HCW, n = 49; Moderate, n = 1 14;
Severe, n = 41). For all boxplots, the centre is drawn through the median of the
measurement, and the lower and upper bounds of the box correspond to the
first and third percentile. Whiskers beyond these points denote 1.5 × the
interquartile range. P values were determined by two-sided, Wilcoxon
rank-sum test.