Bloomberg Businessweek - USA (2020-08-31)

(Antfer) #1

Certainfinancialproductsare not suitablefor all investors.Customersshouldread the relevantrisk warningsbeforeinvesting.Your capitalis at
risk and your lossesmay exceedthe valueof your originalinvestment.
InteractiveBrokersHongKongLtd is regulatedby the SFC; InteractiveBrokersAustraliaPty Ltd is regulatedby ASIC(AFSL453554,ABN 98 166
929 568).Supportingdocumentationfor any claimsand statisticalinformationwill be provideduponrequest.[1] AnnualPercentageRate (APR)
on USD marginloan balancesas of 03/18/20.InteractiveBrokerscalculatesthe interestchargedon marginloansusingthe applicablerates for
eachinterestrate tier listedon its website.For additionalinformatinon marginloan rates,see rates and credit
interestrates are subjectto changewithoutprior notice.


Trading on margin is only for experienced investors with
high risk tolerance. You may lose more than your initial investment.

IBKR charges

margin loan rates


from USD 0.7 5 % to 1.59%

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