SEPTEMBER 2020 PCWorld 67
streamers and press can
play the game. It’s perfectly
tuned for an easy-breezy
night of binge gaming.
There’s no split-screen
support, which was a bit of
a bummer while playing
with my kids, but you can
queue up with up to four
buddies to play together.
Mediatonic, the developer,
says it’s explored
supporting split-screen, cross-play, and
private rooms during development and
hopes to add those features in future updates.
While the game supports keyboard and
mouse, complete with the ability to rebind
keys, it’s like Dark Souls in that you’ll definitely
want to play with a gamepad. The Fall Guys
themselves feel delightfully physical and
clunky. It’s borderline impossible to stay
upright in the middle of a horde—hence Fall
Guys—and getting banged and bopped
around while your character hoots in protest
provides endless entertainment.
In a game where you’re battling gargantuan
hordes of other players, part of the appeal is
making your chubby Fall Guy, well, your
chubby Fall Guy, and the game includes
customization options to do just that. You’re
able to tinker with your Fall Guy’s color,
patterns, and accessories, earning more
unlockables as you play. I couldn’t care less
about this part of the game, but my kids were
all over it.
You can also earn two different currencies
while you play: Crowns and Kudos. Crowns
can only be earned when you win, while
Kudos can be purchased or earned in-game
to progress your level. “Both of these
currencies can be used to buy new costumes
for your Fall Guy,” a public relations rep told
me. “Many of the best costumes in the game
(including some very special collaborations
we have yet to announce) will only be
available via Crowns.” The developers also
plan to release small costume packs as DLC
over time for folks with the insatiable thirst to
collect every skin.
I can hear some of you already groaning
as I type this. “Microtransactions again?!” But
it’s important to note that this is not a pay
-to-win scenario. “All purchases are linked to
cosmetics, are completely optional, and will
Customization options are sparse before you start playing.