The Economist - USA (2020-09-05)

(Antfer) #1
TheEconomistSeptember 5th 2020 37



n the edgeof Beni, a city in north-
eastern Congo, a field is strewn with
bricks and broken glass. Three Malawian
soldiers, working for the un’s peacekeep-
ing mission, known as monusco, lounge
under a tree amid the rubble. It is all that is
left of monusco’s offices after they were
burned down in November by locals furi-
ous that the mission had failed to protect
them from rebels. “We have suffered years
of massacres,” says one of those who took
part in the burning. “We see un soldiers all
over town, but when the rebels are killing
us they never come.”
The peacekeeping mission in Congo,
with over 16,000 soldiers and police, is the
largest and third most expensive in the
world. un troops have been in Congo since
1999, when they arrived to oversee a cease-
fire in a civil war that had left between 1m
and 5m people dead, thanks to bullets, ma-
chetes and disease. For two decades the
mission has tried to pacify the country’s
embattled east. Yet more than 100 armed

groups still hide there in the forests. They
survive by smuggling minerals, looting
and extorting cash from the locals.
This year alone about 1m Congolese
have been displaced by violence. Some of
the bloodiest fighting has taken place in
Ituri province, where two rival tribes have
been clashing. Rebels have hacked at least a
thousand people to death with machetes,
attacking 60 schools and raping children.
Even though the violence still rages (see
map), monusco is under pressure from the
un Security Council to pack up and go. A re-
port commissioned by the council last year
says monusco should aim to be out by

2022, largely because it is too expensive
and has sputtered on for so long. President
Donald Trump’s decision to cut America’s
contributions to un peacekeeping has
squeezed monusco’s budget to $1bn a year,
almost a third less than in 2016. Yet condi-
tions for the mission’s total withdrawal
will plainly not be met by 2022, when Con-
go’s army is supposed to be largely back in
control. So monusco will probably be
shrunk but will not leave altogether.
The peacekeepers are far from fulfilling
their mandate to disband militias, protect
civilians and stabilise the state. Armed
groups are multiplying. Few Congolese ci-
vilians think the mission really protects
them. According to a poll in 2018 by peace-, an American ngo, only
15% of those surveyed said they trusted mo-
nusco to keep their neighbourhood or vil-
lage safe. Still, with nobody else to turn to,
displaced people do often huddle around
monusco bases.
At the best of times, bringing peace to
eastern Congo is a very tall order. The east-
ern provinces are ten times the size of Swit-
zerland. Much of the land is jungle. Murder
and mayhem can occur quickly at night, so
by the time un soldiers arrive—if they do at
all—the rebels have invariably melted back
into the bush. “Whenever I see the blood-
shed, I always ask, where were we?” says
Leila Zerrougui, monusco’s head. “We can
never do enough.”

United Nations peacekeeping in Congo

Blue helmet blues

The world’s largest peacekeeping mission has struggled to bring peace

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