(Joyce) #1

26 | 25bh OCTOBER 2017NATUR E’S BOUNTYWhen renovating their home, Clara and Mark Trussler chose asimple palette and rustic touches to reflect its natural surroundingsFeatuRe MaxinE BRady | PhotogRaPhy RaChEl SMiTh``````the PRoPeRty Redbrick cottage, built in 1887Location lincolnRooms hall, sitting room,dining room, kitchen, threebedrooms, bathroomPuRchased 2007PRevious PRoPeRty‘Before buying this place, we livedin a semi-detached new build inthe same area,’ says Clara.home truthsinsPiRing``````SITTIng rooMThe footstool was an antiques fair find. ‘I love hunting down old pieces,’ saysClara. ‘I sell brocante home accessories at my Etsy store, Hygge and Home.’Rabbit cushions, £12 each, both habitat. deer head, £60;wool blanket, £80, both hygge and home

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