(Joyce) #1

dublin detached| 25bh25bh october 2017 | 99Homeis where theart isThanks to an enviable collection of artwork,colour and creativity fills every roomof artist Elaine Grainger’s houseFeatuRe MeLANIe WHIteHoUSePhotogRaPhy MArK Scott/GAP INterIorS``````the PRoPeRtyDetached houseLoCatIoN DublinRooMS Sitting room,kitchen-diner, utility room,study, cloakroom, threebedrooms, bathroomPuRChaSeD 2006PReVIouS PRoPeRty‘We had a house in the same area,but it was too small for a growingfamily,’ says elaine.home truthsINSPIRINg

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