
(Michael S) #1

7 /Water
Whole-home water
filtration reduces
chemicals and heavy

8 /Countertops
Choose Greenguard-
certified surfacing

9 /Flooring
Hard-surface floors
don’t trap dirt, dust, and
contaminants and are
easier to clean.

Dodge Data & Analytics survey found that most consumers don’t
understand how their home can impact their health.
Instead of bombarding potential buyers with technical jargon and
health information, Head advises sales agents to fold health into
conversations about green certifications and energy efficiency.
Consumers are familiar with those topics, and they believe energy-
efficient homes are healthier because they have fewer drafts and
leaks—meaning less mold and better indoor air.
“When you break a new-home purchase decision into its pieces
through conjoint analysis, a special indoor air system isn’t one of the
strongest drivers,” Head says. “But it, along with green home certifica-
tions, strongly impacts price elasticity.”
At Meritage, it took a while for the sales staff to get comfortable
talking about a home’s health-based benefits. Herro says sales
agents tried to sell healthy homes like they sold energy efficiency
and found it wasn’t effective. After all, he says, a family’s long-term
health can’t be quantified in dollars and cents like energy-saving
features can. Salespeople—and potential buyers—were intimidated
by jargon like MERV (maximum efficiency rating value) air filters
and low-VOC (volatile organic compound) materials, and they
pushed healthy features rather than overall quality-of-life benefits
from the house as a whole. The sales team now focuses on “remind-
ing consumers that they can and should have a better functioning
home than they’ve had,” Herro says.


Building scientists say designing and constructing healthy homes
involves a few simple principles: plentiful fresh air, nontoxic or low-
toxic building materials, and moisture control. The first thing builders
can do to mitigate indoor air problems is ask manufacturers what is in
their products. Product certifications like Greenguard, Cradle to
Cradle and the International Living Future Institute’s Declare label
(see “For More Info,” next page) make sorting through product options
easier than it’s ever been.
Flashing and airsealing is critical as well. If exterior water is find-
ing its way into a home via leaky windows and roofs, it cannot be
considered a healthy home. The contrary can be true, too: Well-sealed
buildings can trap in toxic chemicals, mold, pollen, and other irritants
so installing a balanced ventilation system with MERV filtration is
critical for superior comfort and air quality. Make sure your HVAC
contractor distributes it throughout the home to ensure that fresh air
gets to important but hard-to-reach places like above beds.
To protect against deadly vapors, install carbon monoxide detectors
on every floor and within 15 feet from all bedrooms and place a radon
vent below the basement slab that vents through the roof.
Other considerations include whole-home water filtration and
hypoallergenic, cleanable surfaces. The EPA Indoor airPLUS guide-
lines require hard-surface flooring in kitchens, bathrooms, and entry-
ways because they’re easier to clean. Soft surfaces trap dirt, dust, and
contaminants that can trigger respiratory issues.
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