
(Nora) #1





Pre-thread irst and last balls
of yarn to be used with 20
beads each
Using 4mm needles and thumb
method, cast on 64 sts
Change to 3.75mm needles
£ Row 1 (RS): sl 1 pwise, k1,
p to last two sts, k2
£ Row 2 (beading): sl 1 pwise,
k1, p1, pb, * p2, pb, rep from
* to last three sts, p1, k2
£ Row 3: sl 1 pwise, k1, p to
last two sts, k2
£ Row 4: sl 1 pwise, k1, p to
last two sts, k2

Main pattern
£ Row 1 (RS): sl 1 pwise, k5,
* (yfwd) twice, k4, rep from
* to last two sts, k2
£ Row 2: sl 1 pwise, k1, p2,
* p2tog, p into irst yfwd, k into
second yfwd, p2tog, rep from
* to last four sts, p2, k2
£ Row 3: sl 1 pwise, k1, k2, yfwd,
* k4, (yfwd) twice, rep from
* to last eight sts, k4, yfwd, k4
£ Row 4: sl 1 pwise, k1, p3,
* (p2tog) twice, p into irst yfwd,
k into second yfwd, rep from * to
last nine sts, (p2tog) twice, p3, k2
Last four rows set Main patt
£ Cont in Main patt until work
meas 193cm, ending after
a Row 4
£ Rep Rows 1-2 of Main patt
once more

End border
Change to 4mm needles
£ Row 1 (RS): sl 1 pwise, k1, p to
last two sts, k2

£ Row 2 (beading): sl 1 pwise, k1,
p1, pb, * p2, pb, rep from * to last
three sts, p1, k2
£ Row 3: sl 1 pwise, k1, p to last
two sts, k1, p1 tbl
£ Cast of loosely kwise

Divide yarn into a 300cm yarn tail
and main ball, pre-thread yarn tail
with one bead
Using 2.5mm crochet hook and
waste yarn, make 7ch
£ Using 3.75mm dpns and
300cm yarn tail, pick up and k
ive sts for provisional cast on
(see panel)
£ Next row: k these ive sts tbl,
do not turn, leave yarn tail
on left side
Change to main ball of yarn
£ Next row: slide sts to
opposite end of needle, k to
end pulling yarn across back
of work, do not turn
This row sets i-cord
£ Work in i-cord for 106cm

First leaf
£ Row 1 (RS): skpo, k1, k2tog.
Three sts
£ Row and all WS rows: p to end
£ Row 3: k1, m1r, k1, m1l, k1.
Five sts
£ Row 5: k2, m1r, k1, m1l, k2.
Seven sts
£ Row 7: k3, m1r, k1, m1l,
k3. Nine sts
£ Row 9: k4, m1r, k1, m1l, k4. 11 sts
£ Row 11: k4, m1r, sl 2, k1, p2sso,
m1l, k4
£ Row 13: k4, m1r, sl 2, k1, p2sso,
m1l, k4
£ Row 15: k4, sl 2, k1, p2sso,
k4. Nine sts
£ Row 17: k3, sl 2, k1, p2sso,
k3. Seven sts
£ Row 19: k2, sl 2, k1, p2sso,
k2. Five sts
£ Row 21: k1, sl 2, k1, p2sso,
k1. Three sts

£ Row 22: sl two sts together
pwise tbl, p1, pass two slipped sts
over. One st
£ Fasten of, leaving a 20cm tail

Second leaf
Turn Tie upside down so crochet
is on top. Turn i-cord so back is
facing (300cm yarn tail will be on
right and hanging loose at centre
back). From front to back, pass
yarn tail through stitch below and
carefully pull it up to the right
£ Using 3.75mm dpns, pick up
and k ive sts (see panel)
Undo crochet chain
£ With RS facing and using
300cm yarn tail, work Rows 1-12
as for First leaf. 11 sts
£ Row 13: k2, pb, k1, m1r, sl 2, k1,
p2sso, m1l, k4
£ Complete as for First leaf from
Row 14 to end

Using 4mm needles and thumb
method, cast on 32 sts leaving
a 30cm tail
£ Row 1 (WS): p to end
£ Row 2: k1, * k1, inc 1 (see
special abbreviations), rep from
* to last st, k1. 47 sts
£ Row 3: p to end
£ Row 4: k1, * k1, inc 1, k1, rep
from * to last st, k1. 62 sts
£ Row 5: p to end
£ Row 6: k to end
£ Row 7: p to end
£ Row 8: k1, yfwd, * skpo, k1,
k2tog, (yfwd) twice, rep from

* to last six sts, skpo, k1, k2tog,
yfwd, k1. 62 sts
£ Row 9: p2, * p3, p irst yfwd, k
second yfwd, rep from * to last
ive sts, p5. 62 sts
£ Row 10: k to end
£ Row 11: p to end
£ Row 12: k2, * k2tog, k2, rep
from * to end. 47 sts
£ Row 13: p to end
£ Row 14: k1, * k2tog, k1, rep from
* to last st, k1. 32 sts
£ Row 15: p to end
£ Row 16 (loop): cast of kwise
to last two sts, using two 3.75mm
dpns, make an i-cord 1.5cm long
£ Cast of leaving a 30cm tail

Trim yarn tails on Scarf to 30cm
and weave in but do not cut until
after blocking. Block Scarf to
measurements. With WS together,
fold Rose in half, matching faux
picots. Pin and join cast-on and
cast-of edges using a yarn tail.
Spiral rose by rolling irst petal
(loop free end) and pin. Neatly
sew through cast-on/of edges
to secure, inishing with yarn tail
in centre. Take yarn tail end of
loop to opposite side of base,
sew down, weave-in and trim.
Fold Tie so leaf without bead is
5cm above start of beaded leaf.
Position Rose so end petal will be
downwards when Tie is in place.
Draw folded Tie through loop on
base of Rose. Push Rose along

Blouse, £17.99, H&M; Jeggings, £34.90, Uniqlo Tie until it is 17.5cm from fold^ LK



This is a quick and easy provisional cast on that requires basic crochet skills.
Using a smooth waste yarn, make a crochet chain.


Insert your knitting needle into
the bump along the reverse side
of the chain, wrap the yarn around
the needle and pull it through
the loop. Repeat this until all your
cast-on sts are picked up.


When you're ready to knit
back the other way, undo the
fastening of knot of the crochet
chain and slowly unravel the chain,
placing the knitted stitches on to
the needle as you go
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