
(Nora) #1




Using 4.5mm needles, cast on 90
(98, 108, 118, 126) sts
£ Row 1: (RS): k2 (2, 3, 2, 2), p2,
k2, rep from
to last 0 (0, 1, 0, 0)
sts, k0 (0, 1, 0, 0)
£ Row 2: p2 (2, 3, 2, 2), k2, p2,
rep from
to last 0 (0, 1, 0, 0) sts,
p0 (0, 1, 0, 0)
£ Rep Rows 1-2 until work meas
5cm, ending after a RS row **
Change to 5mm needles
£ Beg with a k (WS) row, work

in rev st st until Back meas 60
(62, 64, 69, 71) cm, ending after
a WS row

Shape shoulders
£ Cast of 11 (12, 13, 15, 16) sts at
beg of next four rows. 46 (50, 56,
58, 62) sts
£ Cast of 10 (11, 14, 14, 16) sts at
beg of next two rows. 26 (28, 28,
30, 30) sts
£ Cast of

£ Work as for Back to **
Change to 5mm needles
£ Next row: k33 (37, 42, 47, 51),
m1, p4, k1, m1, p5, m1, p4, m1, p5,
m1, k1, p4, m1, k33 (37, 42, 47, 51).
96 (104, 114, 124, 132) sts
Commence patt as folls:
£ Row 1 (RS): p32 (36, 41, 46, 50),
work Row 1 of Cable patt, p32 (36,
41, 46, 50)
£ Row 2: k32 (36, 41, 46, 50),
work Row 2 of Cable patt, k32 (36,
41, 46, 50)
These two rows set rev st st
with cable
£ Cont in rev st st with cable until
Front meas 41 (43, 44, 49, 50) cm,
ending after a WS row

Shape neck
£ Next row (RS): patt 48 (52, 57,
62, 66), turn
Cont on these sts only
£ Next row: patt to end
£ Next row (RS): patt to last two
sts, k2tog. 47 (51, 56, 61, 65) sts
£ Next row: patt to end
£ Cont to dec as set on every RS
row 13 (15, 14, 15, 14) times more,
then on every fourth row 2 (1, 2, 2,
3) times. 32 (35, 40, 44, 48) sts
£ Cont without shaping until Front
matches Back to beg of shoulder
shaping, ending after a WS row

Shape shoulder
£ Next row: cast of 11 (12, 13,
15, 16) sts, p to end. 21 (23, 27,
29, 32) sts
£ Next row: k
£ Next row: cast of 11 (12, 13,
15, 16) sts, p to end. 10 (11, 14,
14, 16) sts
£ Next row: k
£ Cast of
£ With RS facing, rejoin yarn to
rem sts and patt to end
£ Next row: patt to end
£ Next row (RS): skpo, patt to
end. 47 (51, 56, 61, 65) sts
£ Next row: patt to end
£ Cont to dec as set on every RS
row 13 (15, 14, 15, 14) times more,
then on every fourth row 2 (1, 2,
2, 3) times. 32 (35, 40, 44, 48) sts
£ Cont without shaping until
Front matches Back to beg
of shoulder shaping, ending
after a RS row

Shape shoulder
£ Next row: cast of 11 (12, 13,
15, 16) sts, k to end. 21 (23, 27,
29, 32) sts
£ Next row: p
£ Next row: cast of 11 (12, 13,
15, 16) sts, k to end. 10 (11, 14,
14, 16) sts

£ Next row: p
£ Cast of

SLEEVES (alike)
Using 4.5mm needles, cast on 38
(42, 42, 42, 46) sts
£ Row 1: (RS): k2, * p2, k2, rep
from * to end
£ Row 2: p2, * k2, p2, rep from
* to end
£ Rep Rows 1-2 until work meas
5cm, ending after a RS row
Change to 5mm needles
£ Beg with a k (WS) row, work
four rows in rev st st
£ Next row (WS): k1, m1, k to last
st, m1, k1. 40 (44, 44, 44, 48) sts
£ Cont in rev st st inc one st at
each end of every WS row as set
12 (12, 15, 15, 15) times more, then
on every fourth row until there
are 74 (78, 82, 84, 88) sts
£ Cont without shaping
until Sleeve meas 30 (31, 32,
33, 33) cm
£ Cast of

Join shoulder seams
£ Using 4.5mm circular needle
and with RS facing, pick up and k
32 (32, 34, 34, 36) sts down left
Front neck, one st from centre
front gap, 32 (32, 34, 34, 36) sts
up right Front neck, 26 (26, 26,
30, 30) sts across Back neck. 91
(91, 95, 99, 103) sts, join in the
rnd, pm for beg of rnd
£ Rnd 1: p0 (0, 2, 2, 0), [k2, p2],
7 (7, 7, 7, 8) times, k2, p1, pm, sl 2,
k1, p2sso, p1, * k2, p2, rep from *
to last 0 (0, 2, 2, 0) sts, p0 (0, 2, 2,
0). 89 (89, 93, 97, 101) sts
£ Rnd 2: rib to end
£ Rnd 3: rib to one st before
marker, sl 1, remove marker, sl st
back to left needle, pm, sl 2, k1,
p2sso, rib to end. 87 (87, 91, 95,
99) sts
£ Rep Rows 2-3 until Neckband
meas 3cm
£ Cast of

Mark points on Front and Back
20 (21, 22, 23, 24) cm down
sides from shoulder seam. Attach
Sleeves between marked points
matching centre of cast-of
to shoulder seam. Join side
and Sleeve seams. Pin out to
measurements given. Cover with
clean, damp tea towels and leave
to dry. See ball band for washing
and further care instructions LK

£ Row 1: (RS): [p2, C4F] twice,
k8, [C4B, p2] twice
£ Row 2: k2, p4, k2, p16, k2,
p4, k2
£ Row 3: p2, C4F, p2, k2, C4F,
k4, C4B, k2, p2, C4B, p2

£ Row 4: as Row 2
£ Row 5: p2, C4F, p2, k4, C4F,
C4B, k4, p2, C4B, p2
£ Row 6: as Row 2
These six rows set Cable patt

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length sleeves

are great

for spring

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