
(Nora) #1

and k six sts along other side
of instep then k7 from LH
needle. 34 sts
£ Beg with a p row, work three
rows in st st
£ Next row: skpo, k10, k2tog, k6,
k2tog, k10, k2tog. 30 sts
£ P one row
£ Next row: skpo, k9, k2tog, k4,
k2tog, k9, k2tog. 26 sts
£ P one row
£ Next row: skpo, k8, k2tog, k2,
k2tog, k8, k2tog. 22 sts
£ P one row
£ Cast of

ARM (make two)
Using 3.25mm needles and
yarn C, cast on four sts
£ K one row
£ Beg with a p row, work in st st,
inc one st at each end of every foll
k row until there are 20 sts
£ Beg with a p row, work ten
rows in st st
£ K three rows
Change to yarn A
£ Beg with a k row, work ten rows
in st st
£ Next row: (k2tog) to
end. Ten sts
£ Next row: (p2tog) to
end. Five sts
£ Cut yarn, leaving a long tail,
thread through rem sts, pull tight
and fasten of

EARS (make two)
Using 3.25mm needles and
yarn A, cast on eight sts
£ Beg with a k row, work two
rows in st st
£ Next row: kb, k to last two sts,
kb, k1. Ten sts
£ P one row
£ Next row: kb, k to last two sts,
kb, k1. 12 sts

£ Beg with a p row, work 15 rows
in st st
£ Next row: k1, skpo, k to last
three sts, k2tog, k1. Ten sts
£ Next row: p1, p2tog, p to last
three sts, p2tog tbl, p1. Eight sts
£ Next row: k1, skpo, k to last
three sts, k2tog, k1. Six sts
£ Next row: p1, p2tog, p to last
three sts, p2tog tbl, p1. Four sts
£ K one row
Change to yarn B
£ P one row
£ Next row: kb, k to last two sts,
kb, k1. Six sts
£ P one row
£ Next row: kb, k to last two sts,
kb, k1. Eight sts
£ Begwith a p row, work 13 rows
in st st
£ Next row: k1, skpo, k to last

three sts, k2tog, k1. Six sts
£ P one row
£ Next row: k1, skpo, k to last
three sts, k2tog, k1. Four sts
£ P one row
£ Cast of

Sew each inside leg seam. Then
sew centre front seam to bottom
of Button opening using mattress
stitch. On inside, sew edge of
front to underside of garter stitch
Button opening. Then on RS, sew
buttons to Button opening,
through both layers, using sewing
thread. Sew seam of legs and
feet. Stuf well. Sew top edge of
each foot to underside of each
pyjama leg. Stuf Legs and body of
pyjamas well. Sew seam from

drawn up stitches of paw up
underarm leaving shaped edges
open. Stuf well then sew shaped
edges to body over shoulder
shaping. Sew seam from drawn
up stitches at back of Head part
way. Then sew seam from nose
part way. Stuf well. Insert toy eyes
in position as shown. Using yarn
A, sew through Head from eye to
eye to pull in and shape Head.
Using yarn B, embroider nose and
mouth as shown, pulling yarn
through to tighten at corners of
mouth. Sew Head seam closed.
Fold Ears at narrowest point. Sew
edges together down each side
using mattress stitch. Sew base of
each ear to bunny’s Head in
position as shown. Sew Head to
body securely LK


In order to successfully stuf
your knitted toy, it is essential
that you tease out your
stuing beforehand. This
will prevent unsightly lumps
and bumps. Another tip is
to take your time. You need
to strike the perfect balance
between over and under
stuing your project, so don’t
be afraid to start again if your
toy doesn’t sit right. Finally,
you should make use of a
smaller needle, as this will
help you to reach awkward
areas such as feet and nose.



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