Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy

(Bozica Vekic) #1


utilized, green spaces (Mind 2007). Beyond the obvious awareness
that spending time in nature can be healing, ecotherapy calls for a
redefinition of the concept of mental health within an environmental
context, acknowledging humans as part of the intricate web of nature.
The practice of ecotherapy expands the definition of mental health
from an emphasis on individual autonomy to include the capacity
for experiencing mutually enhancing relationships and reciprocity
with nature.
Buzzell (2009) notes that while humans can survive the split from
the natural world, many attempt to fill the void in unhealthy ways.
“Like caged zoo animals,” she states, “we become anxious, nervous,
and depressed in restrictive, artificial habitats” (p.51). Soaring rates
of mental illness, substance addiction and destructive behaviors,
she suggests, are natural extensions of increasing time in unnatural
environments and of treating ourselves like machines whose value
comes from achieving, producing and consuming. Louv (2005, 2011)
cites increasing rates of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obesity,
mood disorders and fear among children who are disconnected from
nature. Children are now often reared in a mechanistic fashion that
precludes time in nature in favor of classroom instruction focused on
end-of-grade test performance. At home tired parents often substitute
screen time for time outside. Despite these realities, it is important
not to blame or scapegoat but rather to see clearly that many of our
ways of living and thinking are causing harm to ourselves and to the
environment and ultimately are not sustainable.

Reciprocity refers to mutual interdependence between humans
and the Earth. Norwegian philosopher Arne Næss (1973) was an
important writer within the environmental movement of the late
twentieth century and offered inspiration for both ecopsychology
and ecotherapy. His writings emphasize the importance of biological
diversity and the understanding of the mutual interdependency
of each living creature, including humans, on the existence of
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