The_Official_Raspberry_Pi_-_Beginner’s_Book_Vol1,_2018 (1)

(singke) #1


n Resolution: Allows you to manually set the resolution of the Raspberry Pi’s HDMI or
composite video display output. Choosing a setting not supported by your TV here will give
you a blank display, so be careful when adjusting this setting.

n Underscan: When enabled (the default), underscan makes the image from the Raspberry
Pi slightly smaller than the chosen resolution, putting a black border around the edges,
to compensate for some TVs which hide (or mask) part of the picture behind the edge
of the frame.

n Pixel Doubling: Makes each pixel twice the size, compensating for high-resolution small-
format screens and making things easier to read.

Interfaces tab
The Interfaces tab holds settings which control the hardware interfaces available on the
Raspberry Pi.

n Camera: Enables or disables the Camera Serial Interface (CSI), for use with the Raspberry
Pi Camera Module.

n SSH: Enables or disables the Secure Shell (SSH) interface, which allows you to open a
command-line interface on the Pi from another computer on your network using an SSH client.
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