
(sharon) #1
around flip-screen levels in search of
objects needed to progress further into
the game or fuel for the jet pack itself.
Kikstart.me.uk/jetpack-jaxx-win will
fly over to the developer’s Itch.io page
where the game can be downloaded
and we’ve heard that Psyshteek is
currently working on another game
called Ryane McLaine using a similar art
style but adding scrolling backgrounds
and weaponry.
Finally we end by returning to the
Spectrum for Mike The Guitar – The
Shooter, a horizontally scrolling blaster
set in the same universe as the first,
platform-based Mike The Guitar game
where musical instruments are alive. It
was created with Jonathan Cauldwell’s
Shoot ‘Em Up Designer and more
information can be found over at

with the rules stating that entries must
be programmed in ten or less lines
of BASIC. There are a few categories
to allow for computers with different
line lengths but that does still sound
restrictive for the programmers taking
part, although a couple of entries
for previous iterations have included
clones of arcade classics Defender
and Millipede, so it’ll be worth keeping
an eye on what materialises this time
around. The competition website is
behind Kikstart.me.uk/10-liners-2019
and there are links from there to the
results from previous years.
Switching to Windows-based
PCs, Psyshteek’s Jetpack Jaxx is a
free-to-download action game with a
Spectrum-inspired art style. The titular
character rather unsurprisingly has a jet
pack and either runs or occasionally flies

We’ve mentioned the long-running
Comp.Sys.Sinclair Crap Game
Competition in the past, but the
instalment for 2018 recently drew to
a close with 26 completely serious
and not even slightly silly entries
for the Spectrum, its clones and
predecessors, including programs
such as Space 1999 and Advanced
Lawnmower Simulator Vs Zombies.
One of the entries called Dog Walk
was even created by one of Activision’s
senior technical directors. All of the
entries and news including which
games ‘won’ or ‘lost’ in each category
can be found at the website behind
Another programming challenge
that is taken just a teensy bit more
seriously is the 10 Liner competition
which is open to all 8-bit systems,


» [PC] Heading to infinit y, and possibly beyond if
the fuel doesn’t run out.

» [ Z X Spectrum] Avoiding the undead during
garden maintenance in Advanced Lawnmower
Simulator Vs Zombies.

» Windows] Heading to infinit y, and possibly beyond if the fuel doesn’t run out.[

seriously is the 10 Liner comp
which is open to all 8-bit syste

B »[Windows] Heading to infinity,

inŁ^ sincĠ^200


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