TVEARS | 2701 Via Orange Way, Suite 1 Spring Valley, CA 91978
Doctor recommended TV•Ears® has helped
millions of people with hearing loss enjoy
their favorite television shows and movies
without disturbing others.
The Voice Clarifying Circuitry® reduces
background noise and clarifi es hard to hear
television dialog making even whispers and
accents understandable. 120db of volume
makes TV•Ears the most powerful television
listening system on the market!
Listen in private with the TV volume muted or
with family while the TV is set to their volume and
you listen as loud as you want on the headset.
Put on your TV•Ears
For fast and personalized service,
Call toll-free
A powerful hearing aid
for television since 1998
Over 2.5 million satisfi ed customers
TV dialog is clear and understandable
Voice Clarifying TV Headset™
TV•Ears Original
NOW $59.95+s&h
Use promo code 36187
30-day risk free trial