Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 469 (2020-10-23)

(Antfer) #1

HomePod was introduced to much fanfare in
2018, but it was a smaller, more affordable smart
device that consumers were crying out for. Two
years later, Apple has finally delivered, unveiling
the all-new HomePod mini that unlocks exciting
possibilities for Siri and the Apple ecosystem.
Echo Dot and Nest Mini watch out: there’s a new
smart speaker kid on the block!


At Apple’s Special Event this October, watched
by millions of consumers and tech critics around
the world, Tim Cook decided that the company
should lead not with the introduction of the
all-new 5G iPhone 12 range, but an altogether
different device. The HomePod mini has been
rumored for a number of years, designed to
help Apple better compete with the likes of
Google Nest Mini and Amazon Echo Dot - small,
sub-$50 smart speakers that have changed the
game and allowed consumers to build their own
smart homes on a budget. In typical Apple style,
HomePod mini arrived fashionably late to the
party - more than two years after the launch of
the original HomePod - which was controversial,
to say the least. The original cost $350 at launch
and struggled against competitively-priced

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