102 | NAILS MAGAZINE | DECEMBER 2016Tell us a bit about yourself and your career.Iâm the owner of Blu Water Day Spa, a full-service salon located in Kensington, Md. Iâm alsoan eyebrow artist, and Iâve been in the beauty industry for over 25 years. I previously ownedthree nail salons and worked as a nail tech for about 10 years.``````What are your health challenges?I came to the U.S. at age 16 as an immigrant with one goal: I must work as hard as I canso I can provide a better life for my family. I bought a salon, and for many years, I worked11-hour days, seven days a week, plus two to three hours of commute time to achieve thisgoal. Then in 2008 I bought a larger high-tech, computer software-booking, full-servicesalon with new services and prices. Moving the clientele and employees from the old salonto the new one was a huge struggle. I had to work endless hours on clients while marketingto keep the business afloat. At that time, I didnât even know how to use a computer, so Iwould stay up until 4 a.m. every night after putting my two kids to bed so I could slowlyhand-write my plans and ideas. My level of stress was enormous, to say the least.One day I got a call from my doctor with my blood test results. My triglycerides were650, which meant I was a walking time bomb for a stroke or heart attack. I knew I neededto take action, either with medication, diet, or exercise. All I could think about was raisingmy kids and how bad it would be if something happened to me.``````What was/is your plan of action?I was already a member of a gym but signed up for boot camp. Thankfully, one of myemployees was my gym buddy and she held me accountable for the next six months togo three times a week at 5:30 am. After that, I started to see physical changes and I hadso much more positive energy and more endurance to fulfill my heavy schedule. I realizedexercise wasnât important just for my health, it was my only choice. I was born to eat, so Inever wanted to give up my favorite foods. Amazingly, because of exercise, my body onlycraved healthier food. I also started doing yoga because it was the only class convenientfor my busy schedule and I wanted my monthly gym membership to be worth it.``````How long have you been working your plan and what has been your result so far?I was addicted to the gym, working out harder, running, obstacle courses, yoga â I evensigned up for a marathon. I thought I was so strong that I could work six days a week, plusgo to the gym three days for strength training and yoga, and run 12-14 miles on Sundays.Little did I know I was injuring myself. That was a wake-up call for me; Iâm only human; Iâmnot trying to be on TV for Ninja Warrior! So I calmed down and worked out no more thansix hours a week. On Sundays, I love to go hiking and connect with nature alone before myfamily wakes up. This is how I reset my mind for the week.``````What âs your best advice for other nail techs who want to embark on a healthy lifestyle?For me, th most importabnt thing is living healthy and doing everything I love with myfamily; the only way to do that is to be active. Itâs important to set a small goal toward livinga healthy lifestyle and not just for weight loss. Commit, and donât even expect results. Justdo it and know it will pay off. I advise my friends and clients to start walking five minutesthe first day, or walk two minutes, run one minute, and then walk two minutes to start. Itâsvery simple and effective to start this way and gradually increase. Anyone can walk for fiveminutes. With small steps, you can be on your way to a race before you know it!
HEALTH}When salon owner Julie Nguyen found out she was at risk for a heartattack or stroke, she knew she had to lower her stress, start eatinghealthy, and exercise so she could be there for her children. Find outhow she got healthy and became an athlete in the process.
Healthy Tech:Healthy Tech Q & A:Julie NguyenAre you a healthy nail tech? Every month,NAILS will feature one nail tech in a monthlycolumn devoted to shining the spotlighton your health and fitness success! If youwould like to share your success story(overcoming health issues, weight loss âany health-related triumph) with NAILSreaders, email [email protected] find out more about how YOU can befeatured as a NAILS Healthy Tech.