(Joyce) #1

128 | NAILS MAGAZINE | DECEMBER 2016{ }product spotlightYoung Nails put a new twist in the comebackphenomenon of dip systems. Its SlickPourPowder Coating System creates powder nailenhancements with a clean approach: youpour instead of dip, making each servicecontaminant-free. System includes Prep,Base, Activator, Top Brush Restorer, double-sided pouring spoon, glassdappen dishes, andcatch-all cups.``````With the introduction of Creative Play nail lacquer,CND completed its portfolio of polishes. Thisanything-but-traditional nail lacquer boasts 80 colorsand over 12 finishes (metallics, glitters, pearls, etc.)and encourages nail techs to play outside the box.``````One thin coat of Light Elegance’sFlat Matte UV/LED Top Coat keepstrendy nail designs looking flawlessfor weeks. The formulation appliessmoothly and evenly, and the mattefinish doesn’t discolor or wear offuntil it is removed.``````NSI’s new Glaze ‘n Go LED saves time withnew LED technology. Easy to work with andformulated to last longer between services,it cures to a superior high gloss shine in just60 seconds in an LED lamp.``````Gelish’s 2016 Street Beat collectionintroduced a bold and eye-catchingarray of bright colors that resonatewith inspiration and expressiveness.Inspired by street art and hip hop,each shade is trendy from therunway to the streets.gelish website?TOP 20SpecialEdition12453

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