(Joyce) #1

DECEMBER 2016 | NAILS MAGAZINE | 131Riding the popularity of mood-changing polishproducts, Mia Secret just developed Gelux Mood,a growing line of gel-polishes that change coloraccording to the wearer’s body temperature. GeluxMood can be soaked off and lasts for weeks, withcolor variations that keep things fun.``````Building on the success ofthe Naked Manicure system,Zoya introduced NakedManicure Extension, whichpromises to bring renewaland repair to truly damagednails. The system has aRescue & Repair for the nail,and a Hydrate & Heal for thehand, all in one kit. The bignews is that you can lock inthe treatment and paint overit with polish without lifting.http://www.zoya.comCreated to address lifting problemswith extensions, LCN’s Bio Glass Gelcontains ingredients that improveadherence to the natural nail. Twoactive ingredients — L-Cysteine,an amino acid, and Chitosan, asubstance made from crustaceanshells — are gentle and nourishingto the nail while lending a thin andnatural-looking extension productwithout the use of a bonder.http://www.lcnusa.comSeche Vive by Seche isthe newest addition to thecompany’s long-running topcoat line. It offers the samedependable seal and speedydry time of Seche Vite, butadds a vivid gel-like finishwithout curing.``````The Black Line is a stylish andversatile new line of gel-polishfrom Vetro. The distinctivebottles are generously sizedat 17ml and come in dozens ofcolors. The formula is used inconjunction with Vetro’s NailWipe all-in-one cleanser toremove the tacky residue.http://www.vetro-us.com1718151920

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