ELECTION NIGHT PLAYEDout as one more anxious
chapter in a year characterized by bitter partisan
rancor and successive national crises.
As states flickered between blue and red on
projection maps, and as vote-counting extended
through the week, tensions only rose. In sheer
numbers, more people voted in 2020 than ever
before, but the results seemed to crystallize the
deep divisions in the country — on the virus, the
economy, issues of race, and even how to properly
count the vote.
For anyone seeking to understand the will of
the people, the past week offered little clarity. The
only common ground, it seemed, was the sizable
majority who told exit polls they felt the country
was heading in the wrong direction.
And yet. The vote is fundamentally an instru-
ment of optimism, a chance to shape the future of
your community and your country. On Tuesday
and in the days leading up to the election, Ameri-
cans waited in line in record numbers to cast their
We talked to them about their hopes for the
country — whatever the outcome of the election.
What did they want for America? They spoke
about equality, opportunity and coming together
as a nation. Here are some of their answers.
“My hope for America is all about the
children. They need to get back to school.
They are our future. They need to see a
more respectful and responsible leader.”
Tyra Jackson,51, Franklin County, Ohio
“It seems like there’s so much chaos going
on right now with the pandemic, and it
seems like there’s so much racial
differences. I think we need the right leader
to bring us together versus separating us or
dividing us.”
Brandon Dougherty,21, Bethel, Maine
“I’d just like to see us come back together,
you know? And be one people and get
along together.”
Wayne Metcalf,70, Candler, N.C.
As Election Ends, Voters Look to the Future
Gabriella Angotti-Jones, Ruth Fremson, Kathryn
Gamble, Brittany Greeson, Tamir Kalifa, Calla
Kessler, Maddie McGarvey, Lynsey Cameron
Pollack, Juan Diego Reyes, Hilary Swift, Lynsey
Weatherspoon and Adriana Zehbrauskas
contributed reporting.
closer to one-third this year, ac-
cording to exit polls and voter sur-
Democrats lost in Florida, in
part because of lackluster support
among Latino voters. They did ba-
sically no better than they nor-
mally do in Texas, in part because
Hispanic voters in the Rio Grande
Valley moved decisively toward
the G.O.P. But in Arizona, Barry
Goldwater’s home state and a
once-conservative stronghold
where Mr. Biden has a slim lead,
Democrats will claim both of the
state’s Senate seats for the first
time in decades, fueled by young,
progressive Latino voters.
For years, many Democrats
have presumed demography as
destiny, believing that Latinos
would come to vote for them with
the same kind of consistency that
Black voters do. A growing Latino
population, they hoped, would
transform the political landscape
and give the party an edge in the
That dream ran into reality in
this election, in which the results
confirmed what was evident from
conversations with hundreds of
Latino voters in dozens of settings
from the early days of the Demo-
cratic primary until the long bal-
lot-counting hours in Arizona over
the last week: The Latino vote is
deeply divided, and running as
not-Trump was always going to be
At a Trump rally in Rio Rancho,
N.M., last fall, Martha Garcia was
part of the largely Hispanic crowd
— many members of which wore
Make America Great Again hats
— waiting hours in the blazing sun
to hear the president speak. She
said she agreed with his harsh lan-
guage on immigration: “We need
to take care of the people who are
already here.”
In east Las Vegas and Los An-
geles, young progressives dis-
traught over the Super Tuesday
losses by “Tío Bernie” — Senator
Bernie Sanders — remained polit-
ically active for the first time. At a
Spanish-speaking evangelical
megachurch in Miami, the pastor
offered the president a blessing
for re-election campaign early
this year. And in South Phoenix on
the eve of the election, grandfa-
thers gathered last weekend for
“Low Ridin’ With Biden,” showing
off their custom Impalas.
For Latinos, this was an elec-
tion that turned on feelings about
Mr. Trump above all else.
That just didn’t mean what
Democrats, and the Biden cam-
paign specifically, assumed it did.
“We went in the wrong direc-
tion, and we want to make sure
that does not happen again,” said
Julián Castro, the only Latino can-
didate in the 2020 Democratic
presidential primary.
For months, he said, he had
been publicly warning of the com-
ing risks for Democrats from un-
derinvesting in Latino voters, par-
ticularly in Texas. He said he was
worried that even with a Biden
victory, the party would find itself
“winning the battle but losing the
On Saturday, Representative
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New
York Democrat and one of the
most prominent Latina members
of Congress, spoke critically of her
party’s efforts at connecting with
Latino voters. “I don’t think that
our party has ever seriously done
the work,” she said, describing
what she saw as concern only
around election years. “That’s not
acceptable for any community. I
don’t know why it’s acceptable for
so many communities of color.”
Both candidates in 2020 knew
that Latino voters had the power
to be decisive, and both cam-
paigns went after them, at times
with little sophistication. After the
Democratic primary began with
several candidates speaking
Spanish on debate stages, the gen-
eral-election approach — or as
some critics call it, “Hispander-
ing” — took a musical turn. Mr. Bi-
den played the hit song “Despac-
ito” on his cellphone speaker, and
the Trump campaign commis-
sioned a salsa music video played
over Mexican folklórico dancers.
Fellow Democrats complained
about the Biden campaign’s slug-
gish Latino outreach for months,
though the campaign eventually
spent a record $20 million on
Spanish-language television and
radio advertising, more than dou-
ble the Trump campaign’s $9 mil-
lion, according to Advertising An-
alytics, an ad tracking firm. And
both campaigns tried to target
voters based on regional and na-
tional origin — there were adver-
tisements featuring Cuban,
Puerto Rican and Mexican ac-
Indeed, the regional differences
illustrate both political shifts and
the way Latinos see themselves.
In Arizona, for example, a histori-
cally Republican state shifted be-
cause of young Latinos who were
politically activated by Senate Bill
1070, a 2010 state measure that
was known as the “show me your
papers” law and that critics called
legalized racial profiling.
“People pretty much tend to at-
tack us,” Alma Aguilar said at a
small Black Lives Matter demon-
stration in the Phoenix suburbs
this summer. “We are not treated
the same way as white people.”
Even as votes were still being
counted, many Democrats cred-
ited young Latinas such as Ms.
Aguilar for their success in the
state. Local activists noted that
while the Democrats celebrated,
organizing voters began long be-
fore the national party invested in
the state.
“We did this,” said Alejandra
Gomez, the co-executive director
of Lucha, a voter engagement
group that was established in re-
sponse to anti-immigration state
policies a decade ago. “We orga-
nized when nobody else was pay-
ing attention. It’s weird to say, but
without that, I am not sure we
would have flipped the state.”
Yet one lesson of Arizona — that
political identity is often built in
the face of persecution — did not
bear out in Texas, where over a
year ago a gunman killed 22 peo-
ple in El Paso, the largest anti-La-
tino attack in modern American
history, after the authorities said
he wrote a manifesto that echoed
much of the president’s language.
Texas didn’t even come close to
flipping to the Democrats this
year. Roughly 25 to 30 percent of
Latino voters nationally have cho-
sen Republican candidates for
decades, but many Democrats
said they were particularly
alarmed by the loss of support in
the Rio Grande Valley, where Mr.
Biden won some border counties
by significantly smaller margins
than Hillary Clinton did in 2016.
“More people are waking up,”
said Kelly Gonzalez, who attended
a Republican election party in
Harlingen, in South Texas, with
her husband, her 1-year-old
daughter and her 7-year-old son,
each of them clad in Trump gear
from head to toe. In the once reli-
ably left-leaning region, Ms. Gon-
zalez said her opinion of liberals —
particularly young ones — had
changed in the last four years.
“It’s like, ‘Give me this, give me
that,’ and they don’t want to work
for it,” she said.
Minerva Simpson, a district
leader for the Texas Federation
for Republican Women, who was
one of the hosts of the party, said
the president was critical to the
energy she saw.
“We’ve seen the Latinos come
out in a very strong way,” she said.
“I’ve never seen a movement like
that in my culture, and it’s all for
Democrats also did not seem to
account for how effective Mr.
Trump’s efforts to tie their party to
socialism would be, especially
among Venezuelan- and Cuban-
American voters in Florida.
“If Biden gets elected, America
will go down the rabbit hole of so-
cialism into communism within
the next year,” said Gilbert Fonti-
coba, an internet marketer, who
stood with a group waving Ameri-
can and Trump flags in front of a
polling place in the city of Hialeah
outside Miami on Tuesday. He
said he became unemployed after
his social media accounts were
disabled because of his views as a
member of the Proud Boys, a far-
right group, adding that his par-
ents had fled Cuba.
Mr. Fonticoba blamed the coun-
try’s polarization in part on the
news media. “Millennials are
brainwashed,” he said. “There’s a
lot of dumb people that live in this
country that believe the fake
news.” Then, unprompted, he
brought up the Proud Boys, deny-
ing that they had ties to white su-
premacy. “Proud Boys are for
America, keeping America the
way America was created,” he
said. “The West is the best.”
The Biden campaign did recog-
nize its potential weakness with
Cubans and Venezuelans, but
hoped that support from younger
Latinos, particularly Puerto Ri-
cans, might make up the differ-
ence. To make its case in Florida
and elsewhere, the campaign em-
phasized the reality that Latinos
were contracting and dying from
the coronavirus and suffering eco-
nomically at disproportionately
high rates, and that the president
had mishandled the pandemic.
One of the final ads the campaign
ran in battleground states, includ-
ing Florida, Arizona and Nevada,
focused on the Trump administra-
tion’s family separation policy.
But the fact that Mr. Biden is
heading to the White House is not
cause for a victory lap when it
comes to engaging Latino voters,
according to those who work on
that issue.
“We were not choosing our sav-
ior, we were choosing our oppo-
nent,” said Marisa Franco, the ex-
ecutive director of Mijente, a Lati-
no civil rights organization that
originally backed Mr. Sanders, ex-
plaining her group’s work in 2020.
“The Biden campaign may have
chosen not to spend time in work-
ing-class, immigrant and people-
of-color neighborhoods, but that is
exactly where his victory is com-
ing from and where the solutions
he’ll need to champion will have to
Most Latino groups have not
expressed surprise at the elec-
tion’s results. They have long
noted, for example, how little con-
servative religious South Ameri-
can voters in Florida backing Mr.
Trump have in common with pro-
gressive young Mexican-Ameri-
cans in Arizona turning out for
Democrats. But the groups’ lead-
ers also argue that without push-
ing the idea of a pan-Latino politi-
cal identity, Latinos in any one re-
gion might never get sustained at-
tention from national candidates.
In September, a nonpartisan
group called the Texas Organizing
Project released a report based on
interviews with more than 100 La-
tinos in Texas that offered a pre-
view of how 2020 might go.
“The majority do not feel there
is a singular ‘Latino Vote,’ the re-
port concluded. “Though they see
its potential.”
Reporting was contributed by
Caitlin Dickerson from Harlingen,
Texas, Patricia Mazzei from Hiale-
ah, Fla., Astead W. Herndon from
Dallas, and Giovanni Russonello
from New York.
From Page A1
Evolution of the Latino Vote Presents Challenges to the Political Parties
President Trump gained support among Cuban-Americans in the Little Havana neighborhood of
Miami, top, by successfully linking the Democrats to socialism. The president-elect, Joseph R. Bi-
den Jr., had more luck energizing young Latino voters in once-conservative Arizona, above.
Once reliably left
leaning, but now
open to the right.