“I’m tired of Covid-19, so I hope the country
can move past. This has been the worst
time for us in our lives, and I want to see
that get better and the economy get better.”
James Couch,35, Wilmington, Del.
“I want equality, and I want women to be
just as powerful as how they portray men.
They downsize women a lot. I was a fire-
fighter for three years, and I got a lot of crap
because I was a female and I did it just as
good as they did. So what I want to see is
Margarite Bergeron,22, Bethel, Maine
“I want the people to have harmony and
love for one another in the country. I’d like
to see the people get back to work, take care
of their families and everything.”
Clyde Nance Jr.,71, Candler, N.C.
“I’d like to see a lot less fighting, but on top
of that, I’d also like to see the middle class
go up a little bit. I’d like to see our debt go
down. I’d like for us to be able to work a
little more on this free speech, be able to
say what you want without having to get
your head bit off.”
Adam McKay,35, Levant, Maine
As Election Ends, Voters Look to the Future CONTINUED FROM PAGE P7
PITTSBURGH — Like many
Trump supporters, Dennis Tippie
watched the steady tallying of
votes that wiped away the presi-
dent’s early lead in Pennsylvania,
not with a faith that democracy
was playing out but with dark and
rising anger.
“If he does end up with that
number of electoral votes,” he said
of Joseph R. Biden Jr., who ap-
peared on his way to securing the
White House thanks to Pennsyl-
vania this past Friday, “he would
have gained them through fraud,
deception and simple criminality.”
No evidence exists of fraud, de-
ception or criminality in the tally-
ing of absentee ballots that piled
up during the worst health crisis
to hit the nation in a century. The
state’s Republican-controlled leg-
islature refused to allow those bal-
lots to be processed as they came
in, compounding the delays since
But Mr. Tippie, a retired truck
driver who has imbibed the presi-
dent’s words partly through Fox
News, agreed with Mr. Trump and
his surrogates that the election
was being stolen before their eyes.
He lives in Nanty Glo, Pa., in the
interior of the state that the so-
called elites in Philadelphia some-
times call “Pennsyltucky.” To Mr.
Tippie, Mr. Biden is “a total fool,”
his running mate, Kamala Harris,
is “a very scary woman,” and a Bi-
den presidency would be both ille-
gitimate and disastrous.
But, he said, “I’m not resigned
to him being president.”
While Mr. Biden pulled off ma-
jor successes in flipping Michigan,
Wisconsin and now Pennsylvania
back to Democrats, and on Satur-
day achieved the rare ouster of an
incumbent, he did not achieve the
landslide demolishment of Mr.
Trump that some Democrats had
yearned for, despite leading in the
popular vote by more than four
Instead, Mr. Biden will inherit a
country where many Americans
are already backed into mutually
hostile corners. Mr. Tippie pre-
dicted civil unrest. “I don’t know
for sure what action the people are
going to take, but I think the citi-
zens of this country have pretty
well had it,” he said.
That threatens Mr. Biden’s most
basic campaign pledge: to unite
Americans, to move past divisive-
ness as a governing strategy, and
to heal the nation’s “soul.”
“I think we’re a long way from
unifying the country, and I’m sure
that Trump will continue to work
on dividing us,” said Catherine
Lalonde, the chairwoman of the
Democratic Party in Butler
County, a blue-collar region in
western Pennsylvania.
“I don’t believe his supporters
will accept Biden’s win and would-
n’t even if it were a larger margin,”
she added. “I have a feeling that
all the Trump flags and signs will
stay put until they disintegrate.”
Interviews with voters late last
week in Pennsylvania, primarily
Trump supporters, showed how
the state that tipped the election
mirrored a nation still mired in
tribal polarization. The country
may be staggering forward as bit-
terly divided as ever.
Many of the president’s sup-
porters were swayed by his bliz-
zard of disinformation that illegal
voting had been rampant and
election officials were suppress-
ing a Trump victory. They envi-
sion a Democratic White House
that would kowtow to leftists, give
up the fight against China and em-
bolden rioters and looters.
While Mr. Biden did slightly bet-
ter in Trump counties than Hillary
Clinton did in 2016, the margins
did not widen as much as Demo-
crats expected or hoped for. With
record turnout approaching seven
million in Pennsylvania, Mr. Bi-
den secured a narrow lead over
Mr. Trump — a far cry from
Barack Obama’s victories of more
than 10 percentage points in 2008
and more than five in 2012.
Certainly, there were Trump
voters willing to accept the results
as fair and to move forward.
Chace Torres, 37, was making
grilled-cheese sandwiches for his
family in Northampton County on
Thursday night as Mr. Trump’s
lead in the state, once close to
700,000 because of votes cast in
person on Election Day, ebbed
“I think the Trump supporters
are going to suck it up and move
on,” said Mr. Torres, a union rail-
road worker. “We’re not going to
run out tomorrow and loot and
riot. We’re going to put our heads
down, go to work, feed our chil-
dren, take care of the country like
we always do."
But others were not swayed by
Mr. Biden’s appeals for unity after
four divisive years.
Jessica Bell, a Trump voter in
suburban Philadelphia, said, “we
are locked and loaded” because
she sees the country headed for
civil disorder.
“I have my TV on the news
24/7,” Ms. Bell said. “I have my
phone in my hand keeping up with
social media. I’ve gotten about six
hours of sleep since Monday. I’ve
been watching very, very closely.”
She cited evidence on social me-
dia and Fox News in support of
her belief that the election was hi-
jacked: black Sharpies given to
Arizona voters to render ballots
invalid; Republican poll watchers
in Philadelphia not allowed close
enough to see the counting; that
Speaker Nancy Pelosi controls the
company supplying election ma-
chines in Nevada.
Those charges, some raised by
the Trump campaign and the pres-
ident, are distorted: Arizona elec-
tion officials say Sharpies do not
invalidate a ballot; a judge al-
lowed observers in Philadelphia
within six feet of ballot canvass-
ing; and a former aide to Ms.
Pelosi, the House Speaker, has
been reported as a lobbyist for a
voting machine company.
But Ms. Bell, 32, who left a job
this summer as an assistant in a
doctor’s office, insisted that
“Americans are being silenced”
and made the baseless charge,
“It’s a coup.”
Some Democrats were hopeful
that with Mr. Trump out of office,
the nation would return to a sem-
blance of normalcy, that sowing
division as government policy
would end.
In Erie County, which Mr.
Trump won in 2016 after it had
long voted Democratic, the presi-
dent had raised expectations and
hopes with his promises of restor-
ing industry. But Mr. Trump is on
track to lose Erie County this year,
in part because of his mishandling
of the coronavirus pandemic and
the chaos he sowed, said Carl An-
derson III, a Democrat on the
county council.
“His flaws have been exposed,”
Mr. Anderson said. “There are ele-
ments of extremists and ideo-
logues who will initially not accept
the outcome and perhaps protest,
but as the dust settles and reality
emerges, normalcy will take
The nature of Mr. Biden’s nar-
row lead in Pennsylvania under-
scores the challenges he will face.
His vote count was driven by a
surge of suburban voters: He im-
proved on Mrs. Clinton’s 2016
margins in the vote-rich counties
surrounding Philadelphia by no-
table margins, including by more
than seven percentage points in
Chester County and nearly five
points in Montgomery County, the
state’s third most populous.
But in red Pennsylvania — a
vast swath from the northeast
through the center to the south-
west — Mr. Trump gave up very
little ground. He won most rural
and small-city counties, with their
faded industrial economies, by
landslides. It suggests that the
message behind Trumpism — a
combination of a promised indus-
trial restoration and white griev-
ances — has lost none of its ap-
“The people here still feel for-
gotten,” said Rob Gleason, a for-
mer chairman of the state Repub-
lican Party who lives in Johns-
town, once a steel-making center,
now depopulated and struggling.
“I can’t tell you how many people
are saying Trump’s saying what
I’ve been thinking all my life.”
Four years ago, Cambria
County, which includes Johns-
town, went for Mr. Trump by 37
points. With almost all votes re-
ported as of Friday, the county fa-
vored him by an identical margin.
“The Trump support here in the
rural counties and out west, it will
linger for two years if he’s not the
president,” Mr. Gleason said.
He predicted that with Mr. Bi-
den in the White House, Republi-
can senators will block him at ev-
ery turn, with an eye on gaining
seats in the 2022 midterms.
“You know the Senate won’t
give him an inch,” he said.
Democrats’ opinions of Trump
supporters over the past five
years have been driven partly by
reporters’ treks to places like
Johnstown, once a Democratic
stronghold. Many Democrats
view the president’s base as being
in thrall to an authoritarian, excit-
ed by his racism and xenophobia,
and unable to recognize his end-
less lying.
Many Trump supporters have
no more charitable view of Biden
voters. “Most of them are mo-
rons,” said Lois Peters, a retired
department store saleswoman in
Westmoreland County.
She was baffled that Biden vot-
ers could not see what she does,
that the former vice president is
mentally unfit to lead, and that a
permissive, liberal Biden adminis-
tration would give rise to violence
and looting, as in the aftermath of
some demonstrations against po-
lice shootings and abuse of Black
people this spring.
“That V.P. of Biden’s, oh my
God, that woman is vicious," Ms.
Peters said of Ms. Harris. Then
she caught herself. “Now I’m
sounding vicious,” she said. She
continued, “But I feel like that, I
Maryjo Depalma, 60, who with
her husband owns a jewelry store
in Westmoreland County, said
Democrats “seem to hate the
president so bad” that she feared
even a Biden victory would not
end their animosity toward the
right. “It’s going to take a miracle
to heal the nation,” she said. “I be-
lieve this started a long time ago,
not just in the past three years.”
“I hope two years from now, I’m
dead wrong,” she added. “I want
the country to be united. I want to
continue to have faith in America.”
In Pennsylvania, Voters
For Trump Are a Ways
From Accepting Defeat
All the ‘flags and
signs will stay put till
they disintegrate.’
From top, Pennsylvanian Trump supporters in Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and again in Harrisburg.
Many of the president’s backers were swayed over the weekend by his blizzard of disinformation
saying that illegal voting had been rampant and election officials were suppressing a Trump victory.
Denials and Fraud Claims Are Rampant
In Counties Where the President Prevailed