Apple Magazine - USA (2019-06-07)

(Antfer) #1

“I think we’ve learned what’s worked from the
Third Frontier program, I think we’ve learned
what maybe wasn’t as successful,” Husted
said. “Those lessons, I believe, can serve as the
foundation for what the future of it might be.”

He didn’t specify what that might look like,
but suggested lawmakers might be motivated
to support whatever comes next after seeing
success in other efforts, such as a state push
to make it easier for university researchers to
commercialize intellectual property.

“I think those conversations are very fluid right
now and where that (program) ends up for the
future has yet to be seen,” Husted said.

The Greater Cleveland Partnership, a regional
economic development organization, has
indicated it will advocate for Republican
Gov. Mike DeWine’s administration and the
GOP-led Legislature to keep the Third Frontier
program going.

The programs currently operating under
Third Frontier include a technology
challenge seeking scientific breakthroughs
to address the U.S. opioid crisis.

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