The Wall Street Journal - USA (2020-11-16)

(Antfer) #1

R10| Monday, November 16, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



hether you’re looking forperspective,
practical information or just plain dis-
traction from our changing, challenging
world, the following books offer lots of
ideas for staying well fiscally and physi-
cally, for engaging our minds, sustain-
ing our spirits and urging us forward.

depth exploration of the mind-
body science that proves the
value of minding our social bonds.
Ms. Zaraska bundles her deep dive
into the research with numerous
user-friendly suggestions about
how to make new chums and
keep close to all those you care
about. She counsels that, yes,
healthy nutrition and regular
physical exercise certainly rank
high on the must-do list to stay
healthy for the long run. Too of-
ten, though, we fixate on “all the
wrong things: miracle diets, mira-
cle foods, miracle supplements”
that end up yielding minimal, if
any, benefits, beyond dollars spent
and time lost tracking them. Use
those resources, instead, to en-
hance opportunities to connect

and engage with family, friends
and members of your community.
She describes, in detail, how brain
and body can interact to promote
empathy, attachment and other
positive emotions—and at the
same time stimulate molecular
well-being on a physiological level.
By contrast, the physical and emo-
tional stresses resulting from
loneliness, anxiety, pessimism and
hostility wear at both mind and
body, possibly contributing to
heart disease or other ailments.
Her conclusion amounts to a mod-
ern-day Golden Rule. “The very
same efforts that rejuvenate our
bodies and help us live long also
help us grow as people: nurturing
relationships, developing better
mental habits, becoming kinder,
more empathic, more involved in
the community,” she writes. “It ap-
pears that growing humane grows
our centenarian potential.”

  • Successful Aging:
    A Neuroscientist
    Explores the Power and
    Potential of Our Lives

By Daniel J. Levitin

Lots of people will tell you that suc-
cessful aging is a combination of
good health, financial security and
other, less-tangible things that one
hopes add up to an abiding sense of
happiness. This guide to successful
aging by Daniel J. Levitin tells us
about strengths we develop over a
lifetime that allow us to do more
than adapt and compensate; they
help us stay at the top of our game.
For example, as Dr. Levitin explains,
the aging brain may process infor-
mation more slowly, but it has in-
creased ability to use that informa-
tion practically, honed from decades
of life experience. The author, trained
in neuroscience and cognitive psy-
chology, overlays discussion of brain
development and human physiology
with workable tips to improve and
retain vitality of mind and body.
These tips go beyond exercise, diet
and cognitive engagement to include
specific advice about sleep habits
and issues surrounding chronic pain.
Dr. Levitin also evaluates the sci-
ence—or lack thereof—behind vari-
ous unproven commercial products
and alternative therapies. Through-
out the book, he debunks myths
about aging, such as the mistaken
belief that depression is more com-
mon in later life, and identifies
strengths that come with age.

  • Growing Old:
    Notes on Aging With
    Something Like Grace

By Elizabeth Marshall Thomas

The self-deprecating anthropologist
and author Elizabeth Marshall
Thomas never claims to be a model
for successful aging. But readers of
her engagingly candid and wry
memoir might see her as one. Wis-
dom and insight come easily to this
former explorer and scientist, who
is now 88, widowed and a great-
grandmother in rural New Hamp-
shire. Ms. Thomas scoffs at those
who claim aging begins at 50. It

only starts when your oldest child
is 50, she writes. In the chatty
voice of a lifelong friend, Ms.
Thomas catalogs changes that
time has wrought in the Earth and
in herself. She also entertainingly
weighs decisions she must face as
a result of those changes. Like
whether to leave her home, close
to her son, before she becomes a
burden. And whether to wear

hearing aids. (The inability to hear
others is not altogether unpleas-
ant, she observes.) Each of Ms.
Thomas’s decisions is guided by
her own research. She shares a
lesson she learned from anthropol-
ogy, too, one that she finds partic-
ularly relevant in her life right
now: Retain tight social bonds;
never forget that the evolution of
social species has taught us that
staying in groups is the key to sur-

  • Growing Young: How
    Friendship, Optimism
    and Kindness Can Help You
    Live to 100

By Marta Zaraska

Science journalist Marta Zaraska
has written an engrossing, in-

  • The Meaning of Travel:
    Philosophers Abroad

By Emily Thomas

Put aside the meaning of life for a
moment. Why we travel is another
question philosophers have toyed
with over the centuries. And Emily
Thomas, a philosophy professor at
Durham University in England, finds
some very good answers. This intrigu-
ing new book explores how travel has
broadened the minds of great think-
ers whom we don’t usually think of as
vagabonds or tourists. Montaigne, for
instance, marveled at the way travel
compels us to observe and contem-
plate “new and unknown things,”
while Descartes credited his wander-
ings with making him more accepting
and tolerant of other cultures. More
than a travelogue ofphilosophes,Prof.
Thomas’s book looks at how thinking
about travel has evolved, and how ob-
servations about travel across the
ages continue to influence how we
think about our own experiences to-
day. Contemporary philosophers ask,
How do we weigh our desire to visit
endangered sites against the worry
that such visits may harm them? This
armchair-travel treat will whet the ap-
petite for future trips.

  • American Birds:
    A Literary Companion

Edited by Andrew Rubenfeld and
Terry Tempest Williams

Whether you are a longtime bird-
watcher or simply enjoy looking up
when you hear birdsong, this book of
prose and poetry offers an anthology
of knowledge and joyful inspirations
derived from America’s multitudinous
bird species. Selections include: Na-
tive American songs about birds;
journal entries by John James Audu-
bon and explorers Lewis and Clark;
musings by Ralph Waldo Emerson
and Henry David Thoreau; bird-in-
spired poems by Emily Dickinson,
Elizabeth Bishop and Louise Erdrich,
among others; bird-feeder tips from
journalist Faith McNulty; and ecologi-
cal perspectives and warnings about
the disappearance of certain species
going back to President Theodore
Roosevelt. Every reader will find a
spirit-soaringfavorite.Mine: Walt
Whitman’s evocation of a dozen
birds whistling, chirping trilling, “sing-
ing deliciously,” making sounds “wild,
simple, savage, doubtless, but so
tart-sweet,” to create the most ex-
quisite open-air concert imaginable.

Ms. Coleis a writer in New York.
Email:[email protected].

  • Retirement by Design:
    A Guided Workbook for
    Creating a Happy and
    Purposeful Future

By Ida O. Abbott

Would you like a blueprint for
your future based on your val-
ues, goals, family concerns and
financial situation? This practi-
cal guide by retirement consul-
tant Ida O. Abbott tells you how
to make one. It starts with get-
ting you to explore your atti-
tudes—both positive and nega-
tive—about leaving your job,
career or business. Next up:
Think about who you want on
your personal advisory and sup-

port team, because you’re going
to need one. Obvious choices
should be family and close
friends whom your personal de-
cisions will affect. Other mem-
bers should include trusted pro-
fessionals, such as your financial
adviser and physician. In addi-
tion to addressing practical is-
sues like finances and family re-
sponsibilities, Ms. Abbot asks
probing questions about your
values, goals, interests and
dreams. Answering these ques-
tions will help you fashion a fu-
ture that accommodates all of
those factors. She’ll also help
with figuring out what comes
next, whether it’s in volunteer or
philanthropic work, taking
courses, or joining clubs or com-
munity groups. An extensive ap-
pendix contains lots of addi-
tional helpful information and

Great Books About Retirement and Aging

This year’s crop of titles include those from a neuroscientist, an anthropologist and a philosopherBy Diane Cole

Second Acts

Her Mother loved Mahjong. Now, in Retirement, She Teaches It.

Toby Salk

  • Age: 69

  • Hometown:Berkeley, Calif.

  • Primary Career:Director of creative
    services for a major retail catalog

  • Current Path:Mahjong instructor

  • Why This Path:“In Mahjong, all
    the people I teach are getting
    community, exercising their brains
    and getting a new skill. It’s very
    exciting for me to see that.”

Toby Salk, who grew up in a small
house in New York City, has fond memo-
ries of sitting on the stairs in her paja-
mas, eavesdropping on her mother’s
Mahjong games.
“I remember hearing the tiles and the
murmur,” she says. Now, in retirement,
she is making a career of teaching the
game to others.
Ms. Salk, now 69 and living in Berke
ley, Calif., worked for 30 years at a retail
company, finishing up her time there as
director of creative services for the cat-
alog business in 2008.
The following summer, 58 and looking
for something new, she took the advice
of a friend and decided to try her hand
at teaching Mahjong. The friend had a
bakery and offered it to Ms. Salk for an
evening class. And when the friend
promised to provide pastries, Ms. Salk

says, she couldn’t resist.
While the game has different versions,
players of American-style Mahjong, which
Ms. Salk teaches, generally collect and give
away tilesin an effort to match combina-
tions of patterns shown on a tri-fold card.
Before launching the class, Ms. Salk—
who started playing regularly when she
was 26—thought she should first play in
some tournaments to gain experience. At
her first tournament, she felt so much

pressure, she says, she wanted to leave
before the winners were announced. She
was shocked to hear her name called as
the winner.
“I thought, ‘I’m doing the right thing. I’m
really good at this and I can help other
people be good at this, too,’ ” she says.
Over the past 11 years, she says, she has
taught hundreds of students of all levels.
“I love the people I meet, and teaching
them something new,” Ms. Salk says. “I

love creating new communities, connect-
ing strangers who become best friends.”
Before the pandemic began, Ms. Salk
taught each month in person about five
classes of eight students each—in seven-
to eight-hour units—and gave roughly 12
presentations a year about Mahjong and
its history at spas and private clubs in the
Bay Area. She also hosted a monthly
brunch for players.
Now, due to social distancing and lock-
downs, she mostly gives presentations on
Zoom. Back in April she led a series of
classes on Zoom for players with some
Mahjong skills already. But recently for two
days at a spa in Arizona, she gave classes
for beginners in person. The classes were
taught in an open-air room with everyone
wearing face masks, she says.
“When we grow older, the things that
keep us engaged and sharp in our mind
are having a community of learning some-
thing new, of pushing your brain a bit,”
Ms. Salk says. “In Mahjong, all the people I
teach are getting community, exercising
their brains and getting a new skill. It’s
very exciting for me to see that.”
Ms. Salk hopes to continue playing Mah-
jong as long as her mother, who died three
weeks short of her 100th birthday. She re-
calls watching her play on her 97th birthday.
“My mom sat down and within moments
called ‘Mahjong,’ ” she recalls. “She won. I
really think it helped to keep her sharp.”
—Julie Halpert

The game of Mahjong is something Toby Salk has enjoyed for most of her life.
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