magnet in all the universe that points steadfastly to the undiscovered pole of
human destiny. We know what can and will ultimately coördinate in the generic,
which is larger than the logical order, all that is worth knowing, teaching, or
doing by the best methods, that will save us from misfits and the waste ineffable
of premature and belated knowledge, and that is in the interests and line of
normal development in the child in our midst that must henceforth ever lead us
which epitomizes in its development all the stages, human and prehuman; that is
the proper object of all that strange new love of everything that is naive,
spontaneous, and unsophisticated in human nature. The heart and soul of
growing childhood is the criterion by which we judge the larger heart and soul of
mature womanhood; and these are ultimately the only guide into the heart of the
new education which is to be, when the school becomes what Melanchthon said
it must be—a true workshop of the Holy Ghost—and what the new psychology,
when it rises to the heights of prophecy, foresees as the true paradise of restored
intuitive human nature.
[Footnote 1: David Starr Jordan: The Higher Education of Women.
Popular Science Monthly, December, 1902, vol. 62, pp. 97-107. See also
my article on this subject in Munsey's Magazine, February, 1906, and
President Jordan's reply in the March number, 1906.]
[Footnote 2: Coeducation. A series of essays by various authors, edited by Alice
Woods, with an introduction by M.E. Sadler. Longmans, Green and Co., London
1903, p. 148 et seq.]
[Footnote 3: The Evolution of Ideals. W.G. Chambers, Pedagogical
Seminary, March, 1903, vol. 10, pp. 101-143. Also, B.E. Warner: The
Young Woman in Modern Life. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1903, p. 218.]
[Footnote 4: The Psychology of Woman. Translated by G.A. Etchison.
Richards, London, 1899.]
[Footnote 5: Physical Development of Women and Children. By Miss M.E.
Allen. American Association for Physical Education., April, 1890.]
[Footnote 6: A Review of the Higher Education of Women. Forum, September,
1891, vol. 12, pp 25-40. See also G. von Bunge: Die zunehmende Unfähigkeit
der Frauen ihre Kinder zu stillen. München Reinhardt, 1903, 3d ed. Also
President Harper's Decennial Report, pp. xciv-cxi.]