Youth_ Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene - G. Stanley Hall

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

EPISTEMOLOGY. The theory of knowledge; that branch of logic which
undertakes to explain how knowledge is possible and to define its limitations,
meaning, and worth.

EUPEPTIC. Having good digestion.

EUPHORIA. The sense of well-being; of fullness of life.

EVIRATION. Emasculation; loss of manly characteristics.

FERAL. Wild by nature; untamed; undomesticated.

FORMICARY. An artificial ants' nest.

GEMÜTH. Disposition; the entire affective soul and its habitual state.

HEBETUDE. Dullness; stupidity.

HEDONISTIC. Relating to hedonism, that form of Greek philosophy which
taught that pleasure is the chief end of existence.

HETAERA. A Greek courtesan. This class was often highly trained in music and
social art, and represented the highest grade of culture among Greek women.

HETEROGENY. (1) The spontaneous generation of animals and vegetables, low
in the scale of organization, from inorganic elements. (2) That kind of generation
in which the parent, whether plant or animal, produces offspring differing in
structure or habit from itself, but in which after one or more generations the
original form reappears.

HETERONOMOUS. Having a different name.

HOROLOGY. The science of measuring time and of constructing instruments
for that purpose.

HYGEIA. The Greek goddess of health; health.

HYPERMETHODIC. Methodic to excess; overmethodic.

HYPERTROPHY. Excessive growth.

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