Youth_ Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene - G. Stanley Hall

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

POST-SIMIAN. Pertaining to an age later than that in which simian or monkey-
like forms prevailed.

PRENUBILE. Pertaining to the age before sexual maturity or marriageability is

PRIE DIEU. A praying desk.

PROPEDEUTIC. Preliminary; introductory.

PROPHYLACTIC. Any medicine or measure efficacious in preventing disease.

PSEUDOPHOBIAC. Pertaining to a morbid condition in which the subject is
continually in fear of having said something not strictly true.

PSYCHOGENESIS. The origin and development of soul.

PSYCHONOMIC. Pertaining to the laws of mind.

PSYCHOSIS. Mental constitution or condition; any change in consciousness,
especially if abnormal.

PUBERTY. The age of sexual maturity.

PUBESCENT. Relating to the dawning of puberty.

PYGMOID. Of pygmy size and form.

RABULIST. A chronic wrangler; one who argues about everything.

SCHEMA. A synopsis; a summary. In the Kantian sense, a general type.

SCHEMATISM. An outline of any systematic arrangement; an outline.

SUPERFOETATION. A second conception some time after a prior one, by
which two foetuses of different age exist together in the same female. Often used

TEMIBILITY. (From Italian temibile, to be feared.) The principle of adjustment
of penalty to crime in just that degree necessary to prevent a repetition of the
criminal act.

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