Youth_ Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene - G. Stanley Hall

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

"I am not concerned that the things presented in this little constructive endeavor
will not find bodily incorporation in schools; for it is cross-fertilization and not
grafting that has given us our richest varieties of fruits and flowers. This work is
an attempt at spirit, not letter; at principle, not method."—From the Author's

"A book I wish I could have written myself; and I can think of no single
educational volume in the world-wide range of literature in this field that I
believe so well calculated to do so much good at the present time, and which I
could so heartily advise every teacher in the land, of whatever grade, to read and
ponder."—Pres. G. Stanley Hall, Clark University.

"It is to my mind the most stimulating book that has appeared for a long time.
The conception here set forth of the function of the school is, I believe, the
broadest and best that has been formulated. The chapter on Illustrative Methods
is worth more than all the books on 'Method' that I know of. The diagrams and
tables are very convincing. I am satisfied that the author has given us an epoch-
making book."—Henry H. Goddard, Ph.D., State Normal School, West Chester,

"I received a copy of 'An Ideal School,' and I am satisfied that I made no mistake
when I, with the other two members of the book committee, recommended the
book to the 310 teachers in our county."—J.G. Dundore, Lycoming County,

"Certainly one of the most notable books on education published in many
years"—P.P. Claxton, Editor Atlantic Educational Journal.

"You have done the cause of real education an important service. This
book is, in my opinion, one of the most useful in the International
Education Series."—Albert Leonard, Editor of the Journals of


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