[Footnote 2: The Influence of Exercise upon Growth by Frederic Burk.
American Physical Education Review, December, 1899, vol. 4, pp. 340-349.]
[Footnote 3: A Study of Dolls, by G. Stanley Hall and A.C. Ellis.
Pedagogical Seminary, December, 1896, vol. 4, pp. 129-175.]
[Footnote 4: Studies in Imagination, by Lilian H. Chalmers.
Pedagogical Seminary, April, 1900, vol. 7, pp. 111-123.]
[Footnote 5: Some Psychical Aspects of Physical Exercise. Popular
Science Monthly, October, 1898, vol. 53, pp. 703-805.]
[Footnote 6: Amusements of Worcester School Children. Pedagogical
Seminary, September, 1899, vol. 6, pp. 314-371.]
[Footnote 7: A Study in the Play Life of Some South Carolina Children.
Pedagogical Seminary, December, 1900, vol. 7, pp. 439-478.]
[Footnote 8: Arbeit und Rythmus. Trubner, Leipzig, 1896.]
[Footnote 9: Descent of Man. D. Appleton and Co., 1872, vol. 1, chap. vi, p. 204
et seq]
[Footnote 10: Teasing and Bullying. Pedagogical Seminary, April, 1897, vol. 4,
pp. 336-371.]
[Footnote 11: See my Study of Anger. American Journal of Psychology,
July, 1899, vol. 10, pp. 516-591.]
[Footnote 12: Der deutsche Student am Ende des 19 Jahrhunderts, 6th ed.,
Göschen, Leipzig, 1896. See also H. P. Shelden: History and Pedagogy of
American Student Societies, New York, 1901, p. 31 et seq.]
[Footnote 13: Bushido: The Soul of Japan. An exposition of Japanese thought,
by Inazo Nitobé. New York, 1905, pp. 203 et seq.]
[Footnote 14: The Hearts of Men. Macmillan, 1901, chap. xxii.]
[Footnote 15: La Puberté. Schleicher Frères, éditeurs, Paris, 1902.]