Curiosities of Superstition, and Sketches - W. H. Davenport Adams

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

Talmud, the, 68.

Taossi, the, 132.

Taouism, 129.

Tehu-Chor, the, 3.

Thibetan Prayer or Litany, the, 4.

Tibet, in, 161.

Topes, the, 203.

Typhon and Osiris, 173.

Vishnu Purana, the, 100.

Weather-conjuring among the Mongols, 159.

Williams, Rev. John, 214.

Yadageri, 160.

Zabianism, 186.

Zendavesta, the, 43.

Zoroaster, 45.

Zulu Witch-finders, 180.

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