tree? A shadow that prevails for a while? No, it is the shadow of a bird in his
flight,—away speeds the bird, and there is neither bird nor shadow.
Repent one day before thy death. There was a king who bade all his servants to a
great repast, but did not indicate the hour; some went home and put on their best
garments, and stood at the door of the palace; others said, There is ample time,
the king will let us know beforehand. But the king summoned them of a sudden;
and those that came in their best garments were well received, but the foolish
ones, who came in their slovenliness, were turned away in disgrace. Repent to-
day, lest to-morrow you might be called.
He who has more learning than good works is like a tree with many branches but
few roots, which the first wind throws on its face; whilst he whose works are
greater than his knowledge, is like a tree with many roots but fewer branches,
but which all the winds of heaven cannot uproot.