Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

Beam or rafter of the shed. ↑

Palm-leaf thatch. ↑

Forbes mentions a “palm-leaf fringe” used in certain rites by the Kalangs of Java.—A
Naturalist’s Wanderings, p. 101. ↑

“It is quite a common thing in Java to encounter by the wayside near a village, or in a rice-
field, or below the shade of a great dark tree, a little platform with an offering of rice and
prepared fruits to keep disease and blight at a distance and propitiate the spirits.”—A
Naturalist’s Wanderings, Forbes, p. 103. ↑

In Selangor this custom is now obsolete.—Sel. Jour. vol. iii. No. 18, p. 294. ↑

The derivation of the name of this primitive Malay censer from the Sanskrit çankha (conch
shell) has been pointed out (Maxwell, Malay Manual, p. 32). Forbes notes having seen in a
sacred grove in Java “the remnants of small torches of sweet gums which had been offered.”—
A Naturalist’s Wanderings, p. 97. ↑

J.R.A.S., S.B., No. 16, pp. 310–320. ↑

Cliff. and Swett., Malay Dict., s.v. Amang: “tourmaline, wolfram, and titaniferous iron-ore are
all called by this name. They are all considered impurities, and tourmaline is the one most
commonly met with.” ↑

The Malay was saperti ulat hidup, which would rather mean “like live maggots.”—W.S. ↑

Sel. Journ. vol. iii. No. 18, pp. 293, 294. ↑

Sel. Journ. vol. iv. No. 2, p. 26. ↑

i.e. tin-bearing stratum and stone overlying the ore. ↑


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