Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

Jĕrmal is another kind of fish-trap, different from the kelong. ↑

Denys, Descr. Dict. of Brit. Mal., s.v. Fire. ↑


P’landok    minta’  api,
’Nak mĕmbakar bulu mĕntua-nya.

The Mouse-deer is said to have cursed his mother-in-law, saying:—”Kalau bĕtul aku pĕmainan
Raja Suleiman angkau bĕrsayap.” ↑

Illumination with tiny lamps is also common on feast-days (hari raya), especially at the end of
the Month of Fasting; and the Malays have to some extent adopted the Chinese penchant for
fireworks. ↑

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