Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

it is only the big pillows that are of importance,^76 and the people are allowed to
use as few or as many small ones as they like. The topmost small pillow,
however, is always triangular, and is called gunong-gunongan.


Pattern of fringe used for the mosquito curtain at Malay wedding ceremonies, called daun budi,
or the Bo-leaf fringe.

Page    372.

The mosquito-curtain (enclosing the couch on which the pillows rest) of course
varies in size according to the dimensions of the pĕlamin, but may be roughly

taken to be from 7 to 9 hasta^77 in length, by 8 ft. in width, and 4 ft. to 5 ft. in
height (reaching to the ceiling-cloth). Its upper edges (kansor) are stiffened
externally with a square frame, consisting of four bamboo rods (galah k’lambu),
and it is decorated in front with a beautifully embroidered fringe called “Bo-tree
leaves” (daun budi). The front of this mosquito-curtain is rolled up^78 to within 2
or 3 ft. of the top, instead of being drawn aside as usual. At the back of the
curtain is suspended, except in the case of a Raja’s wedding, a bamboo clothes-

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