Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1
FIG.    2.  THE HENNA   CAKE,   ETC.

Three   models  of  wedding apparatus:  the one on  the left    represents  the “henna  cake”   used    at  the
“henna dance” during the ceremony of staining the finger-nails. The second represents the
bouquet of artificial flowers, with coloured eggs and streamers, which must be presented to
each guest at a wedding. The model of the buffalo shows the way in which these animals are
dressed for presentation to a Raja.

Page    375.

A couple of what we should call “pages,” of about ten years of age, are seated
right and left of the bridegroom, and are called Pĕngapit.

The bride usually provides herself with one or more girl companions; but these

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