The Talking Beasts_ A Book of Fable Wisdom - Nora Archibald Smith

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1


    "The    world   is  old,    they    say;    I   don't   deny    it;
But, infant still
In taste and will,
Whoe'er would teach, must gratify it."


The Hen and the Cat

A Cat arose in her house, went to a Hen and said to her: "Let us make

The Hen replied to the Cat: "Dost thou like me for a friend?"

The Cat said, "Yes," and went away, and after having been at home for a while,
she sent her child to the Hen, saying, "Go and tell the Hen to rise up early to-
morrow morning, and to come and accompany me to a neighbouring town."

The child arose, went to the Hen's house and saluted her.

The Hen arose, and asked it: "Thou child of the Cat, dost thou come to me in

The Cat's child replied, "I come in peace; my mother has sent me to thee."

The Hen said to the Cat's child, "Say what thy mother has sent thee for; let me

After the Cat's child had told it to the Hen, it said: "I will go," and set out and

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