The Talking Beasts_ A Book of Fable Wisdom - Nora Archibald Smith

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

So he went and called the Hare again, and when the Hare was come, he said to

"Brother Hare, there was not a single other thing in that bag but pure sense: God
has loved us so that to-day we have obtained sense; but do not tell it to anybody,
then I will give thee a little, and what remains I will hide in my hole until some
one comes and begs of me, and then I will give him also a little."

So he took one sense and gave to the Hare, saying, "If thou takest home this one
sense, which I give thee, it will preserve thee. When thou sleepest by day open
thy eyes; then if one comes to thee, thinking, 'I have got meat, I will take it,' and
sees that thine eyes are open, he will think that thou art not asleep, will leave
thee alone and go; but when thou goest and liest down without sleeping, then
shut thine eyes, and if one sees thee, and sees that thine eyes are shut, when he
comes close to thee, saying, 'I have got meat, I will take it,' then thou wilt see
him, rise up and run away into thy forest. This one sense will be enough for thee;
but what remains I will keep in mine own house." The Hare took his one sense
and went home.

Now if one sees a Hare lying with his eyes open, it sleeps, but if its eyes are
closed it is awake, and does not sleep. By this one sense which it has got the
Hare is preserved.

The Weasel took all the sense that was left and hid it in his house. The Weasel
surpasses all the beasts of the field in sense. When you see the Weasel, and say,
"There the King of Sense has come out," and drive it before you, saying, "I will
catch it," it runs into its hole; and if you begin to dig up the hole, it comes out
behind you, and runs until you see it no more. This is why now if one sees a
Weasel, one calls it "The King of Sense."

Amongst all the beasts of the field he distributed sense only little by little, and
this is what they now have.

This word, showing how sense came abroad in the world, and the meaning of
which I have heard, is now finished.

What Employment Our Lord Gave to Insects

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