The Talking Beasts_ A Book of Fable Wisdom - Nora Archibald Smith

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1
    The entertainment   was
A truly noble one;
But some unlucky cause
Disturbed it when begun

It was a slight rat-tat,
That put their Joys to rout;
Out ran the City Rat;
His guest, too, scampered out.

Our rats but fairly quit,
The fearful knocking ceased,
"Return we," said the cit,
"To finish there our feast."

"No," said the Rustic Rat;
"To-morrow dine with me.
I'm not offended at
Your feast so grand and free,

"For I've no fare resembling;
But then I eat at leisure,
And would not swap for pleasure
So mixed with fear and trembling."

The Ploughman and His Sons

    A   wealthy Ploughman   drawing near    his end
Call'd in his Sons apart from every friend,
And said, "When of your sire bereft,
The heritage our fathers left
Guard well, nor sell a single field.
A treasure in it is conceal'd:
The place, precisely, I don't know,
But industry will serve to show.
The harvest past. Time's forelock take,
And search with plough, and spade, and rake;
Turn over every inch of sod,
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