The Talking Beasts_ A Book of Fable Wisdom - Nora Archibald Smith

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1
    Lion,   the Fox,    and the Story-teller,   The.    Raju    (Indian)
Lion, the Mouse, and the Cat, The. Hitopadesa (Sanskrit)
Lion's Share, The. La Fontaine (French)
Lioness and the Bear, The. La Fontaine (French)

Man and His Piece of Cloth, The. Raju (Indian)
Man and the Lion, The. Aesop (Greek)
Man and Turtle (African)
Man of Luck, and the Man of Pluck, The. Raju (Indian)
Matter of Arbitration, A. Aesop (Greek)
Monkey and the Cat, The. La Fontaine (French)
Monkey and the Leopard, The. La Fontaine (French)
Monkey Who Had Seen the World, The. Gay (English)
Mouse and the Frog, The. Bidpai (Indian)
Mouse Who Became a Tiger, The. Hitopadesa (Sanskrit)
Mouse-deer's Shipwreck, The. (Malayan)
Muff, the Fan, and the Parasol, The. Yriarte (Spanish)
Mule and the Lion, The. (Chinese)
Mule, Jackal and Lion. (Moorish)

Nianga Dia Ngenga and Leopard. (African)
Nightingale and the Glowworm, The. Cowper (English)

Oak and the Reed, The, La Fontaine (French)
Old Man and His Sons, The. Aesop (Greek)
Old Man and the Ass, The. La Fontaine (French)
Old Man, His Son, and the Ass, The. Aesop (Greek)
Old Woman and Her Maids, The. Aesop (Greek)
Old Woman and the Doctor, The. Aesop (Greek)
Old Woman's Cat, The. Bidpai (Indian)

Pairing Time Anticipated. Cowper (English)
Passenger and the Pilot, The. Aesop (Greek)
Peacock and the Fox, The. Raju (Indian)
Peacock Complaining to Juno, The. La Fontaine (French)
Peasant and the Horse, The. Krilof (Russian)
Peasant and the Robber, The. Krilof (Russian)
Peasant and the Sheep, The. Krilof (Russian)
Pebble and the Diamond, The. Krilof (Russian)
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