The Talking Beasts_ A Book of Fable Wisdom - Nora Archibald Smith

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

And the use of this fable is, that thou mayest learn that to no one does the sun of
his wish rise from the eastern quarter of hope without the diligent use of great

The Fox and the Drum

It is related that a Fox was once prowling over a moor, and was roaming in every
direction in hope of scenting food. Presently he came to the foot of a tree, at the
side of which they had suspended a drum, and whenever a gust of wind came, a
branch of the tree was put in motion, and struck the surface of the drum, when a
terrible noise arose from it.

The Fox, seeing a domestic fowl under the tree, who was pecking the ground
with her beak, and searching for food, planted himself in ambush, and wished to
make her his prey, when all of a sudden the sound of a drum reached his ear. He
looked and saw a very fat form, and a prodigious sound from it reached his
hearing. The appetite of the Fox was excited, and he thought to himself,
"Assuredly its flesh and skin will be proportioned to its voice."

He issued from his lurking-place and turned toward the tree. The fowl being put
on its guard by that circumstance, fled, and the Fox, by a hundred exertions,
ascended the tree. Much did he labour till he had torn the drum, and then he
found nought save a skin and a piece of wood. The fire of regret descended into
his heart, and the water of contrition began to run from his eyes, and he said:
"Alas! that by reason of this huge bulk which is all wind, that lawful prey has
escaped from my hand, and from this empty form no advantage has resulted to

    Loudly  ever    sounds  the labour,
But in vain—within is nought:
Art thou wise, for substance labour,
Semblance will avail thee nought.

The Sparrows and the Falcon

Two Sparrows once fixed their nest on the branch of a tree; and of worldly gear,

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