Malayan Literature_ Comprising Romantic Ta - Unknown

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1

the minister committed a fault in killing the children of the princess. There was a
likeness there. Still, if it pleases her Majesty to remain upon the throne of Roum,
we should all be very glad of it."

The princess Djouher said: "I shall take leave of you, my lords. It is good that we
should make the young prince king, and that he should replace me on the

The ministers and the officers of Roum responded, "Whatever be the commands
of your Majesty, we place them above our heads."

Then the princess made the royal prince her successor, and the ministers and
officers and subjects all bowed low, placed their hands above their heads, and
proclaimed him King.

The princess Djouher-Manikam said: "O my child, here are the last instructions
your mother gives you: You must practise justice so that God will make strong
your realm. To you, my ministers and officers, I confide my child. If he commits
some faults by negligence or by ignorance, I pray you take them not too much to
heart, for my child is young, and he has not yet attained all the maturity of his

The ministers and officers answered: "O your Majesty, may your prosperity
grow forever! How could it be possible for us to disobey your commands?"

The princess replied: "O my child, above all must you observe justice and be
patient and liberal toward your ministers and officers and all your subjects, so
that the favors of God may increase upon your person and that your kingdom
may be protected by God the most high by the grace of the intercession of the
prophet Mahomet, the envoy of God (may the, peace and blessings of God be
with him!). O my child, you must govern all your subjects with a spirit of justice,
for in this world, until death, we ought to seek the truth. O my child, above all
forget not my last instructions." Then, taking in her arms the royal child, she
kissed him.

The Sultan Haroun-er-Raschid having told the Sultan of Roum that he wished to
return to the country of Bagdad, the Sultan gave orders to his ministers to
assemble the grandees, the officers, and the soldiers, with elephants, horses, and
instruments of music. All came with presents, for the Sultan of Roum wished to
accompany the Sultan Haroun- er-Raschid as far as Bagdad and carry him the

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