Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1

Galijar spanned most of Khorvaire. Of course,
we never tamed the lands beyond the Graywall
Mountains or the jungles of the east. Nevertheless,
it was impressive, this kingdom of humanity's.
Now I look at the map of Khorvaire with a touch of de­
spair. Galijar lies shattered, the Five Nations irreparab/y
divided. So many new realms claim sovereignty-kingdoms
of elves and goblins, and what of this nation of monsters
called Droaam? Can it last, or will another war fracture us

further? Should I dwell on such things when the Mourning

might simp/y consume us all? Gods, how I fear the future.
-Lyrian Das, Morgrave historian

Most player characters begin their adventures on the
continent of Khorvaire, as shown on the poster map
included with this book and on map 2.1 (page 104). Al­
though humans make up the majority of the population
in the nations of Khorvaire, the continent is home to a
wide range of peoples and cultures. Once largely unified
under the Kingdom of Galifar, today Khorvaire is split
into many nations-some old, others newly born from
the crucible of war. This chapter provides an overview of
Khorvaire, a glimpse of the world that lies beyond it, and
the predominant faiths of Eberron.



The following sections focus on what you need to know
to create characters and NPCs from Khorvaire. For
general info rmation about the Kingdom of Galifar, the
Five Nations that arose from the kingdom's ashes, and
the Treaty of Thronehold that helps keeps the peace
between the nations of Khorvaire, see the introduction
of this book.
An excellent system of roads connects the central na­
tions of Khorvaire, and travelers can always make their
way by horse or coach. Major cities are linked by the
lightning rail of House Orien, which allows one to avoid
the perils-and tedium-of the roads. If speed is an is­
sue, one can book passage on a House Lyrandar airship.
This is the fastest way to travel, but also the most ex­
pensive. This book's introduction has more information
about these and other travel options.

Capital: Fairhaven
Hallmarks: Cheese, education, fa shion, grains,
wine, wizardry
Fertile farmlands surround the grand cities of Aundair.
The floating towers of Arcanix are the finest institute
for mystical study in Khorvaire, and magic is deeply
ingrained in Aundairian culture. The nation produces
more magewrights and wandslingers than any other in
From the nobles lounging in the towers of Fairhaven
to the common folk working the vast vineyards of Blue­
vine, Aundairians value wit and wisdom. Aundairians
prefer finesse to brute fo rce and appreciate cunning
wordplay and fine fa shions. The Sovereign Host is the
dominant faith of Aundair, with a particular devotion to
Aureon. However, the Silver Flame also maintains a de­
voted following-some might say overzealous.
Although Aundair is a small nation, its arcane supe­
riority allowed it retain its dominion during the Last
War. The people of Aundair know that knowledge is
power, and they take pride in their nation's magical ad­
vancements. To ensure her nation's prosperity and dom­
inance, Queen Aurala ir'Wynarn instituted the Arcane
Initiative, an aggressive series of programs intended to
forward the development of mystical infrastructure and
battle magic.


  • Arcanix is the most prestigious academy of magic in
    Khorvaire. Most of its sages specialize in ritual magic
    and abstract theory, and don't have the full powers
    of wizards.

  • Magic permeates many aspects of Aundairian life­
    more so than other nations. A cleansing stone (see
    chapter 5) graces every village, and you might encoun­
    ter animated farming equipment in the fields. The
    Knights Arcane are an elite unit of eldritch knights,
    and the spies of the Royal Eyes of Aundair specialize
    in divination magic.

  • Some Aundairian nobles are bound by arcane pacts
    handed down through generations. Only remarkable
    heirs-such as player characters-develop into war­
    locks. Most such lines have an Archfey patron.

Regardless of your Intelligence score, as an Aundairian
you're sure you're the smartest person in the room. Con­
sider the fo llowing characteristics for your Aundairian:

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