Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
The festival of Doi Dorn is noted across the city with
prizefights, wrestling matches, archery contests, and
other tests of strength and skill. This activity culminates
with a grand contest of champions in the Cornerstone
district in Middle Tavick's Landing.

This event is an aerial race that takes place around
Dura Quarter.

In honor of the Sovereign Balinor, a fierce beast is
brought to the city and released on this day into an iso­
lated section of Old Sham. Anyone can participate in the
Hunt by making a donation of 5 gp; the hunter (or group)
who brings down the beast wins a purse of 500 gp and
the blessing of Balinor. The motif of the Hunt can vary;
in some years, multiple beasts are released, and the
hunter who catches the most of them is the victor. In any
case, it often turns out that the other competitors are a
greater threat to hunters than the beasts they stalk.

This celebration commemorates a priest of the Silver
Flame who was martyred while exposing lycanthropes
in Sharn. The day's activities often cause tension with
the shifter community.

Gatherings across the city mark this celebration of
community. The wealthy compete to throw the grandest
parties, and the most generous among them will be re­
membered throughout the year for their largesse.

The sacrifice of Tira Miron, who gave her life to serve
as the Voice of the Silver Flame, is honored on this day.
The holiday is marked by services at all Silver Flame
churches and shrines, and the faithful are encouraged
to find some way to help their communities.

Supposedly the Fury, the god of Passion and Revenge,
reaches the height of her power on this night. Emotions
run high, and impulse control runs low. Shy and super­
stitious folk stay indoors, while others see it as a time to
cast aside inhibitions. The streets fill with revelry that
lasts well into the night.

This observance marks the day that the Treaty of
Thronehold was signed, officially ending the Last War.
This year (998 YK) is only the second time the event has
been commemorated, and the Lord Mayor of Sharn has
promised a truly epic festival.

It's said that the power of the Shadow, the sinister de­
ity of the Dark Six, is at its height during these three
nights. Careful people spend this time indoors with
friends, but those who relish the darkness might decide
to take to the streets to prey on the weak and foolish.


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Banners are flying across Dura today, and the streets are
full of color. Walk through Oldkeep wearing brown and
red, and you'll be invited to raise a glass to the Griffon; if
you're dressed in white and gold, the colors of the Hip­
pogriff, you'd best be prepared to defend yourself.
If you're new to Sharn, you might think our city's gone
mad. And in some ways it has, but it's a madness that
reaches its peak every summer with the Race of Eight
Winds. Long ago, King Galifar used Dura as a proving
ground for aerial calvary. What's more important, quick­
ness or strength? Our modern race is a test of speed and
skill through a course that weaves around and through
the spires of Dura. There are eight competitors, and
each of these brave jockeys rides a different flying crea­
ture-except for the gargoyle Carralag, who relies on his
own wings!
Speed is important, but merely surviving the race can
be a challenge. The spilling of blood isn't prohibited,
but the only weapon a rider can carry is a light sporting
crossbow; the steeds can use their talons and beaks,
which is what makes the Griffon such a fierce contender.
Poison, magic, or anything else that would directly in­
terfere with beast or rider is strictly forbidden-though
over the years we've certainly seen imaginative attempts
to stretch the rules!
Dura is divided into eight regions for the race, each of
which is represented by a different creature. If you're go­
ing to spend time in Dura, it's best that you know your
mounts! The beasts of Upper Dura are the fastest in
the race, and overall have the best record. The reigning
champion is the Pegasus of Highwater, whose supporters
wear white and silver. The Hippogriff is tied to Over­
look and Daggerwatch in Upper Dura, and its colors
are white and gold. Detractors often say that the Sharn
Watch favors the Hippogriff and that House Vadalis
helps the Pegasus, but the referees always insist that the
race is fair.
The beasts of Middle Dura are versatile. The Eagle
represents Broken Arch and Stormhold in Middle Dura,
and its supporters wear brown and gold. The clever Owl
flies for Rattlestone and the Bazaar, and its colors are
brown and gray. The Hawk represents Tumbledown and
Underlook in Middle Dura, and wearing its blend of tan
and brown can usually get you a good price at an inn.
The beasts of Lower Dura are more infamous than re­
liable. The Griffon flies for Precarious and Oldkeep, and
its colors are brown and red. It has never won the race,
but there's gold to be made betting on which opponent
it will bring down. The Glidewing represents Gate of
Gold and The Stores, and'its supporters wear green and
gray; many believe that the Boromar Clan pays for the
upkeep of the mount and its rider. Malleon's Gate used
to be represented by the Bat, but twelve years ago they
exchanged that mascot for the Gargoyle, whose colors
are black and gray. The current Gargoyle is a stone-faced
fellow named Carralag, and his supporters are quite pas­
sionate about their winged champion.

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