Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
Although crime occurs throughout Sham, it is most
apparent in Lower Dura and the Cogs. The Sham
Watch has a minimal presence in these wards, which
are the easiest places to sell stolen goods or to hire
an assassin. Of course, they're also good places to get
robbed or caught up in a street brawl.
Sharn is home to a large number of minor gangs and
independent criminals. Even so, most criminal activities
in the city come under the purview of one of four crim­
inal organizations: the Boromar Clan, Daask, House
Tarkanan, and the Tyrants. Even independents usually
have an arrangement with one of these power groups. If
your character has the criminal background, work with
the DM to determine which of these organizations you're
connected to (the DM has more information about these
groups in chapter 4).


The Boromar Clan began as a family of halfiing immi­
grants from the Talenta Plains. Today the Boromars are
one of Sham's most influential families; there's a Boro­
mar on the City Council. Also, the Boromars have close
ties by marriage to the local branch of House Jorasco,
and clan members can be seen at every Skyway gala.
The Boromar Clan specializes in gambling, theft, and
smuggling. In addition, it governs a wide network of
lesser gangs and crime lords across the city. In the past,
the clan's reputation was sufficiently strong to prevent
any challenges. Over the last decade, however, the Boro­
mars have been fending off a serious challenge from
Daask. Those monsters have been aggressively target­
ing Boromar agents and holdings, and the feud between
the two forces grows more heated all the time.
Having a connection to the Boromar Clan makes you
part of the established power in Sharn. It's an organiza­
tion that values tradition and prefers to avoid violence.
As an associate of the clan, you'll be expected to respect
the hierarchy and follow the rules, and you might be tar­
geted by Daaskjust as if you were a Boromar yourself.
If you have a contact in the Boromar Clan, you might
know someone on the Boromar Contacts table.

d6 Contact
Sundry (gnome) is a fence who runs a pawn shop in
the Bazaar of Dura and has ties to many smugglers,
sailors, and burglars.
2 Canon (halfling) is a pickpocket who works across
Sharn and is at home throughout the lower districts.
3 The Rake (dwarf) runs a handful of gambling dens and
sets odds on the sporting events ofSharn.
4 Myri Olar (halfling) is a burglar and socialite, familiar
with many of the mansions of the upper districts.
5 Hass Faldren (half-elf) is a smuggler and the captain
of the elemental sloop Ice Storm. Hass is also well con­
nected on the docks and in the warehouse districts.
6 Cala Boromar (halfling) is a lawyer by trade but with
specialties in blackmail and intimidation. Ca la loves
engaging in the art of negotiation and is always inter­
ested in acquiring secrets.

Founded by monstrous immigrants from Droaam, the
criminal organization known as Daask has been build­
ing its power for a decade and has recently begun an ag­
gressive campaign of expansion. Daask engages mainly
in violent crime, including armed robbery, assault,
arson, and murder. As its reputation has grown, it has
added extortion to this list.
If you have a contact in Daask, you might know some­
one on the Daask Contacts table.

d6 Contact
Whyhyr (gnoll), a talented tracker, loves a good hunt
and finding people who don't want to be found.
2 Ralscar Shal (goblin) is a fence and information broker,
who is happy to be paid in gold or secrets.
3 Kar Bloodhorn (minotaur) is an enforcer who leads
raiding parties in Callestan. Kai is rough and loud but
well liked in the organization.

(^4) Ash (kobold) is a sorcerer with talent in fire magic,
who specializes in arson and assault.
5 Cask (changeling), an artificer and alchemist, supplies
Daask with drugs and explosives and likes devising
new concoctions and finding people to test them on.
6 Teller (human) is one of the few humans with a posi­
tion of influence in Daask. A grifter, Teller serves as
a spy in the upper levels of the city where monsters
aren't able to move around freely.
House Tarkanan is an elite force of mercenary thieves
and assassins. The criminal talents of the Tarkanans
are enhanced by another trait they share: every member
of the house possesses an aberrant dragonmark. Thus,
every Tarkanan has an unpredictable magical gift-and
all of them are united by the fe ar and prejudice that
most aberrant heirs elicit from other people.
If you have a contact in House Tarkanan, you might
know someone on the Tarkanan Contacts table.
d6 Contact
Rotting Bal (human) is an assassin, an expert in un­
armed combat, and a founding member of the house.
2 Fileon (halfli ng) is a healer with a deadly touch, who
evaluates and trains potential recruits.
3 Nightshade (gnome) is an assassin and alchemist spe­
cializing in exotic poisons, who's always interested in
acquiring new toxins or unusual herbs.
4 Whisper (elf) is a thief whose aberrant dragonmark ab­
sorbs sound. Whisper appreciates fine things and has
a vast collection of unusual trinkets.
5 Zae (halfling) can influence vermin and see through
rats' eyes-an ability often used to spy on people.
6 Mala Shol (half-elf) is an expert pickpocket and a mas­
ter of disguise, with a talent for illusion.

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