Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
Rhesh Turakbar. The minotaur warlord Rhesh Turak­
bar has united the small clans of his people into a
deadly force. His fortress is on the eastern edge of
Droaam, and he often leads raiding parties into Bre­
land in the name of his fiendish patron, the Horned
Prince-also known as Rak Tulkhesh (see chapter 6).
Sheshka, the Queen of Stone. The medusas have long
held the ancient citadel of Cazhaak Draal. Though
they are not numerous, their deadly gaze and trained
basilisk pets make the medusas a force to be reckoned
with. Medusa priests of the Dark Six are spiritual
leaders in many Droaamish communities. Queen
Sheshka is a skilled warrior and general. She has
been loyal to the Daughters, but she is devoted to her
people and will always do what's best for them.
Tzaryan Rrac. A cunning oni with a large force of ogres
and ores at his disposal, Tzaryan Rrac was quick to
embrace the arrival of the hags, but he also yearns
for greater power. Rrac is a skilled alchemist and a
scholar of arcane lore.
Venom Lords. A group of tieflings called the Venom
Lords leads a community of warlocks, some of whom
are also tieflings. Their domain, called the Venomous
Demesne, is hidden away in the desolate marshes
south of Blackwater Lake, shrouded by powerful
magic. Warlord Bal Molesh is a strong ally of the
Daughters, and some of his tiefling kin can be found
in the service of Daask.
Xor'chylic. A mind flayer serves as the governor of
Graywall. It's said that the Daughters found Xor'chylic
in Khyber, and received his loyalty in exchange for a
pledge that the hags would give him an opportunity
for vengeance against one of the daelkyr.
Znir Pact. The gnolls of Droaam, once servants of Rak
Tulkhesh, broke ties with the demons long ago and
swore an oath of loyalty to the pack above all else.
Since standing together and being bound by this
Znir Pact, the gnolls have never been subjugated by
any other force, and have never sought to conquer.
Instead, they sell their services as hunters and sol­
diers, serving all warlords. The gnolls are trusted
across Droaam.

Ruined forts of ancient Dhakaani design are common
in Droaam, and in many cases the structures have been
remodeled into homes or refitted for defense. They also
make ideal lairs for less intelligent monsters, places
where they can bring their next meals along with any­
thing those poor souls happened to be carrying.

Map 4.3 shows an ancient Dhakaani fort built into a cliff
face. It consists of four tiers in varying states of ruin.
The cellar, including a cistern and storage areas, is
accessed by way of secret trap doors in the floor above.
The ground floor features a statue of a great hobgoblin
hero of old in a large enclosed courtyard, and a cluster
of unidentifiable statues in one back corner. The outer­
most area of the ground floor is the most severely dam­
aged part of the fort.

The middle tower consists of two crumbling floors
with arrow slits, accessed by spiral staircases from the
ground level. The upper level of the tower has been se­
verely damaged, with only old wooden planks and a rick­
ety ladder allowing movement between the two floors.
The top level of the fort overhangs the tower. Large
portions of the floor are missing, making certain areas
difficult to reach. Arrow slits on the perimeter of this
level made it instrumental to the fort's defense, and the
large rooms here were used for arms storage and mus­
tering troops for battle.

The Ruined Fort Adventures table offers some ideas for
drawing a party to the location.

d6 Adventure Goal
Gnolls lairing in the fort have been attacking caravans
and travelers near the Darguun border. But the gnolls
are mercenaries. Who are they working for?
2 The ruins are said to hold a powerful magic item that
was used by the ancient Dhakaani goblins against the
3 The party is hired to recruit several hill giants for
a building project in western Breland. Step one is
making sure the giants lairing in the fort don't kill
the party; step two is persuading them to work for
4 The characters must rescue prisoners being held by
the monsters in the ruins.
5 A group of Brelish humans determined to "take
Brelish lands back from the monsters" have settled
and started rebuilding the ruined fort. The party is
asked to help them defend the fort-or to protect
them as they flee back to Breland, pursued by angry
6 A Brelish noble hires the party to retrieve a family
heirloom lost in the fort's ruins.

Sora Kell is an ancient night hag with exceptional pow­
ers. She is said to have dealt with dragons and demons
in the first age of the world, and to have tricked the
Sovereigns themselves. Even though she is immortal,
there have been no new legends of her deeds since the
advent of Galifar, but that's when her daughters rose to
infamy. All three of the Daughters of Sora Kell possess
powers far beyond what's usual for their kind. They are
creatures of legend, beings who have defeated many of
the greatest heroes of Galifar.
Sora Katra is the voice of the Daughters. Charismatic
and clever, she is an accomplished illusionist and shape­
shifter who rarely wears the same face twice. Stories
say that she weaves curses on her loom, and that she
loves to match wits with heroes and champions. She
speaks for Droaam, and is always interested in intrigues
and plots.

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