Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
Sora Maenya is the commander of Droaam's armies.
It's said that she can crush a giant with her bare hands,
then eat the whole thing and still be hungry. She binds
the souls of her victims to their skulls, which she keeps
in her lair. Though many stories depict her as merely a
brute, she is a clever strategist and a master of intimida­
tion and terror.
Sora Teraza is a mystery. Though blind, or perhaps
because of her blindness, she possesses vast powers
of divination. She is the most gifted oracle of the age,
but her answers are often cryptic, even when dealing
with her sisters; she might give vital advice even to her
enemies. There is little that can be hidden from Sora
Teraza, but the question is always whether she'll share
what she knows.

Droaam emerged as a nation in the final decade of the
Last War. King Boranel of Breland brokered an uneasy
truce with Droaam, but the other nations of Khorvaire
have refused to recognize the Daughters' sovereignty.
Most leaders believe Droaam will soon collapse into
chaos, or that Breland will gather its strength and crush
the Daughters. Others think that either of those assump­
tions gravely underestimates the abilities of the Daugh­
ters and their subjects.
In the aftermath of the war, the fighting forces of
Droaam have become a significant resource for other
nations of Khorvaire. Gnolls, minotaurs, ogres, and
other creatures have proven to be capable mercenar­
ies and laborers, and the Daughters have worked with
House Tharashk to make these resources available to
the rest of Khorvaire. This exchange both puts gold into
the Daughters' coffers, and spreads their eyes and ears
throughout the wider world.

When involving the Daughters of Sora Kell in your cam­
paign, the first question you need to answer is; what are
their goals for Droaam?
One possibility is that the Daughters believe in their
nation-that it is important to them to unite the mon­
sters of Droaam and to give their charges a voice in the
world. In this case, the Daughters can be ultimately sym­
pathetic figures. They are fighting against the fears and
prejudices of the people of the Five Nations, and also
the selfish ambitions of many of their own power-hungry
warlords. Once the adventurers learn that the Daugh­
ters truly want peace and prosperity, they could become
envoys of the Daughters in the Five Nations or help to
fight their enemies in Droaam. A character of a mon­
strous race could even become a warlord of Droaam.
Even if the adventurers don't work directly with the
Daughters, they could have need of their assistance;
Sora Teraza might hold the answer to a vital mystery,
or the adventurers might need an artifact hidden in the
vaults of the Great Crag.
If you'd rather use the Daughters as straightforward
villains, they could be driven by a thirst for power or a
desire to end humanity's dominance over Khorvaire.
Sora Teraza's visions enable them to target enemies

with unerring precision and reveal enemy plans before
they are carried out. Can the adventurers find a way
to deal with Sora Teraza and end this threat before
the armies of Droaam and agents of Daask make
their move?
A middle-of-the-road view is that the Daughters are
motivated solely by Sora Teraza's visions. They have no
interest in gaining power or in maintaining their king­
dom; they are fulfilling their role in a story that is still
unfolding, and once it's resolved, they will abandon their
thrones and return to their hidden haunts. Can Droaam
survive without the Daughters, or will the nation dis­
solve into chaos?
Whatever path you choose should also be reflected
in the nature of the criminal organization Daask, de­
scribed later in this chapter. Those monsters are agents
of Sora Katra; how do their actions support her agenda?
Are they seizing power on behalf of Droaam, or are they
pursuing a more mysterious agenda?
As described in chapter 1, Sora Kell herself could be a
group patron for a party of adventurers. In this case, the
characters' relationship with the sisters is complicated.
Do the Daughters consider the adventurers to be allies,
or are they bitter rivals? Does Sora Kell support the na­
tion of Droaam, or are the Daughters defying the wishes
of their mother?

Any adventure that takes place in Droaam or involves
creatures that hail from that nation gives the players
and their characters a chance to deal with monsters that
don't always behave monstrously. The Droaam Adven­
ture Hooks table presents a variety of story links involv­
ing Droaam, the Daughters of Sora Kell, or both.

d6 Adventure Hook
A medusa sends authorities a broken stone finger
bearing a distinctive signet ring, and invites emissar­
ies to bring gold, a magic item, or some other ransom
for the petrified individual's release.
2 A House Lyrandar airship has gone down just beyond
the Graywall Mountains. The characters must move
immediately to rescue any survivors and secure a se­
cret message the ship was carrying.
3 Sora Teraza appears in a character's dreams every few
nights, urging the character to explore a particular
4 The characters must entreat the Daughters of Sora
Kell for knowledge of how to remove a seemingly
unbreakable curse.
5 The characters must purchase or steal a daelkyr tome
or artifact from the tower of Mordain the Fles hweaver,
a powerfu l wizard banished from the Twelve who now
makes his home in western Droaam.
6 An ogre warlord is accused of destroying a village just
outside the borders of Droaam. The characters must
bring the warlord to justice or work with the ogre to
find the real culprit.

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